View Full Version : New Member

25-02-06, 10:52
Hi All :D

What a find this site is - pity it wasn't around years ago, before I went through all the medical rigmarole I have endured over the years because if it had been I could have referred the many ignorant medical 'professionals' I have dealt with to it. [Duh!]

I'm a 57 year old man and I have suffered panic attacks for most of my adult life, with all the typical symptoms reported by so many in this forum. It is comforting to realise how common this problem is (and puzzling that so few doctors are aware of it!), and that the next time I am suffering the horrible breathless dizzy impending doom feeling, when I am trapped in a traffic jam for instance, I may not be the only one.

As the years have gone by I have managed to cope with my attacks better - partly because the heart attack/stroke that I was always convinced was imminent didn't happen, and partly because I have learnt to avoid the circumstances that I know are likley to trigger an attack. (My wife has become used to eating out in a restauarant in lightning time for instance, because she knows I have this overwhelming need to 'escape' to the outside as soon as possible). [:X]

I think a good deal of the confusion about this illness is caused by its' name 'PANIC ATTACK'. This conjures up a vision of a weak and vulnerable person, unable to deal with normal day to day situations and likely to start 'flapping' at the drop of a hat. So when presented with a person who is completely calm and competent and quite clearly in charge of themself in every way it is dificult for a doctor (or anyone else for that matter) to readily apply the term 'panic attack' to this person. I remember years ago reading an article about panic attacks and mentioning it to my doctor as a possible explanation for the dizzy spells I was having heart and brain investigations for. He said 'what have you got to panic about?' and dismissed the idea out of hand.[}:)] So off I went on yet another round of scans and ECG's and blood tests and hospital stays which could all have been avoided and saved the NHS a lot of resources - and saved me the scepticism of the staff who formed the opinion that I was a hypochondriac![:I][Sigh...]

'Your'e just tired' they would say, or 'It's stress' to which I would reply 'Is it normal for tired/stressed people to go dizzy to the extent they think they will faint; for their heart to beat furiously; for their legs to turn to jelly; for them to turn ghostly white and sweaty; to be unable to lie down and rest because the dizziness increases if they do; to be left totally exhausted by the episode; to be convinced they are going to have a heart attack at any minute?'. I never got a sensible answer. [?]

Congratulations for the excellent site[^]

25-02-06, 10:59
Hi Ted

Welcome to the forum. Your in the right place for support & advice.

I only joined myself the other day & have already made some good friends & gained some very helpful support & advice,

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

25-02-06, 11:03
hiya ted

you are sooo right about gps. some are great at knowing the signs, but not many

i have told mine i am giving him a copy of claire weekes book self help for your nerves to read as i feel he would be better prepared for nervous patients like ourselves. have you read the book, for many it is their bible.

i too feel like a hypocondriac as i really fear heart attack or blood clot. alll the symptoms are so frightening that i just run to casualty. i do have good days but when the fear is at its worst i panic. it is an awful thing to live with. well done for alleviating your fear that it was a heart attack, id love to get that far. today it is a clot because the pain in my leg is unbearable. gp says its muscular or veins, but i am unconvinced

anyway, welcome to this great site. i no you will find support here and you are far from being alone

ps sounds like you have a great wife

25-02-06, 11:04
hi ted i like that name, well i have had lots of help and have made lots of friends i am sure you will to.

tack care and welcome glad you have posted

amanda x

25-02-06, 11:07
Hi Tedkay,

Welcome to the site. I enjoyed reading your introduction, you are so right!

We may not have all the answers here but there is a wealth of information to read through. Do take the time to read it, it is one of the most useful parts of this site; to realise you are not alone.

Tammy x

25-02-06, 11:25
Hi Ted

Welcome to the forum.

I, like you, have had anxiety and panic for many years before I found out what it was and being a member of this forum has helped me so much with tackling my issues.

You might like to start with the information in the First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps) article.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I think a good deal of the confusion about this illness is caused by its' name 'PANIC ATTACK'. This conjures up a vision of a weak and vulnerable person, unable to deal with normal day to day situations and likely to start 'flapping' at the drop of a hat.<div align="right">Originally posted by tedkay - 25 February 2006 : 10:52:52</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Yes, I think you are right about that. A therapist I know likes to call this an 'inappropriate exercse response' instead, because many of the symptoms are ones we would ignore if exercising at the time - which of course is what would happen in a way in the 'flight' response. Of course, he also said he realises this name is not catchy enough to be taken seriously but it's also not particularly helpful for the most anxious and scared people around to be told they are having a panic attack either - two of the most frightening words in the English language. Just a story that your comment brought to mind.

I hope we can support you on your journey to recovery.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

25-02-06, 11:36
Hi Ted,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here, and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

25-02-06, 12:43
Hi Ted

Welcome aboard and thanks for the intro.

I agree about the doctors and if you read my story on the website you will see that they fobbed me off for many years too and then it was too late for a quick cure.

You will find like-minded people on here and get loads of good advice and support so hope you stick around.


25-02-06, 14:48
Hello Ted,

Glad you have found us now and its never too late to really start to improve and find the way through these panics.

Glad your wife has been supportive and hope you start to stop to avoid things soon.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

25-02-06, 22:24
Welcome to the site and look forward to hearing more from you. Great post

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

Sue K with 5
26-02-06, 00:46
Hi Tedkay

Welcome to NMP!

Your comment on GP's was so spot on thank you for expressing this view.

I am so sorry you have suffered for such a long time, but you have found a wonderful site with lots of help and information to guide you

Take good care and PM anytime

Sue with 5


06-08-08, 18:54
welcome from me as well.
good luck.

milly jones
06-08-08, 19:16
yes ted

this is a brill site


i particularly relate to the eat as quick as u can in the restaurant syndrome, lol

take care

milly xxx :hugs:

06-08-08, 19:54
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here

07-08-08, 12:31
Hello Ted And Welcome To The Site , I Wish Ya Well, Linda