View Full Version : chest pain left side.. under armpit and top of collarbone

14-08-10, 20:34
hello everyone,

Hope everyone is ok...

I hve recently been posting regarding a headache and then ibs symptoms .. which are still lurking around

I am now experiencing chest pains.. left side and under my armpit... just a dull pain really.. but anoying..

another anxiety symptom .. any help would be great


14-08-10, 22:53
can anyone relate to this?

14-08-10, 23:01
Yep, I can relate to this - and guess what - when you have reconciled your self to it just being another symptom of anxiety you will get a fresh symptom elsewhere - welcome to the wonderful merry go round of anxiety!

You will be fine and need to find something to distract yourself with until the feeling subsides. Trust me, I have suffered anxiety attacks for 20 years and they come and go but each time they come again you find yourself worrying that this time it is real and this time you are in big trouble - you won't be - it will pass and you will feel better.

14-08-10, 23:03
thanks maggiejan,

this has last 3 days and im freaking out .....

15-08-10, 09:48
i have this going into my 5th day, it is just anxiety i have the chest pains often and know they are not nice try not to worry about it
zoe x

15-08-10, 18:31
chest pain is still driving me crazy... under arm ..rib area and round towards sternum...

is this common

it just wont go away :scared15:

15-08-10, 18:33
Ive got this at the minute, it started yesterday, its driving me mad too. but nothing to worry about hun. try to relax and ignore it as much as possible. it will go away :)

15-08-10, 18:35
even after 3 days...

could i have strained a muscle or summin??

freaking me out lol :wacko:

15-08-10, 18:38
i am inclinde to say it could be a strained muscle. mine started yesterday while i was cleaning the oven, i get anxious when i clean! i dont know why lol but i out it down to anxiety but it does feel a little strained and tense so its possible that yours could be too. try having a warm bath, if it eases a little even if only for a few minutes that could mean its strained.warmth will ease it if its muscle related. if it doesnt ease then its anxiety and will only go when you dont let it bother you.

15-08-10, 18:39
thanks for the advice...:)

Hope u feel better soon ..


15-08-10, 18:41
Anytime :)

And thank you, i hope you feel better soon too. im sure you will. x

16-08-10, 20:56
still got the pains.. got off phone to doc .. he is convinced its muscle related..

im just in a bad way...

i got pains in my lower abdomen and my left pectorial.. under left arm..

slight headache.. does anyones flare up in the evening.. ?

maybe i should get the amptripline.. he prescribed me

can it act as a muscle relaxent as it just wont shift !!!

16-08-10, 22:24
aslo pain radiates to my sternum

im worried

can anyone provide some reassurance please

16-08-10, 23:19
Muscle pain in the chest can be referred to other places too, so if your doc thinks it's muscle related I would relax. If I get tense, muscle pain flares up with me too, especially at night.

Amitriptyline is not strictly a muscle relaxant but could certainly help; however if this carries on, or gets progessively worse, I would go to your GP.

17-08-10, 17:26
i often get this try deep heat or a warm hot water bottle and relaxation easier said than done as i panic s much about it infact im sat here now panicing about it its awful! xx

17-08-10, 17:28
i will give it a go .. thankyou...

20-11-10, 19:47
hi i get the same when im out shopping its awful all thats going through my head is im gna have a heart attack and then i get this crushing pain in my chest its scary any1 else get this :weep:

20-11-10, 19:58
Chest pain left side. Very common with me and gets worse as my anxiety gets worse. It is the intercostal muscles that run between your ribs. Notorious for tensing during stress and are prone to pain. I use a heat pack and sometimes a massager, which seem to do the trick.

27-11-10, 15:25
Oh wow

You have exactly what I have had for two weeks now, I get relief from heat and ibruphen helps. I thought I had everything and I was going to die. Now it just really annoys me, I have posted a question about taking Voltrol with Citalopram and hope this will help. My pain is the size of a tennis ball, six inches form armpit on the left side and four inches up from the center of my Pec. I have no lumps but the muscles really ache to touch or move.

Cant see how the intercostal does this as the muscle/tissue I can feel is on top of the rib.

Any ideas ?


jackie 22
25-01-11, 23:38
i too have had these symptoms for the last 4 months normally i am never ill and so this has worried me a great deal after reading many forums about this pain i went to the docs he said it was to do with indegestion and so tested for helicabactor pylori and yes i had it i have now had the antibiotic 6 weeks ago and i still have the same symptoms but not as bad i hope it is going away but i would say its worth having this test it stops you thinking that its all down to anxiety if you type in helicabactor pylori symptoms a lot of them match anxiety symptoms hope this helps:)

17-05-12, 16:44
hey chick, yes i can relate to this, started on 10mg of citalopram then after six weeks doc upped it to 20mg, feel calmer and better but yes the annoying chest discomfort moving to ribs, then collarbone, then round the back muscles, then back to chest again is still bothering me. i agree with everybody who has anxiety and experience with it, these feelings wont harm you, try to make an effort to calm yourself and not think of it too much. it will get better. i know its hard and really frustrating but as soon as one symptom goes another will come along and annoy you again!!! just try and take your mind of it. keep smilin and live life to the full. xx :welcome:

18-05-12, 16:07
i've had this. nothing to worry about at all. Also I bet you are prodding it a bit to see where it hurts and when you find the place keep prodding it. It makes it worse but it is fine. I've this and palpitations and chest pains where my heart should be but nothing wrong at all. I accepted it was anxiety and those symptoms have basically cleared up now.

Now just to accept this dizzyness is anxiety...