View Full Version : I'm having a really hard time

Jac 2009
14-08-10, 21:01
Hi everyone,

I'm a teacher and the summer holidays are a nightmare. This year, however, it is much worse but I don't know why.

You'd think the holidays would be a time to relax and recharge but the structure and the distraction of work keeps me going. These holidays I have descended into severe general anxiety and horrible and frequent panic attacks. The worse comes in the middle of the night. I wake feeling really anxious. I lie there controlling my breathing perfectly - sometimes for an hour or more. I listen to relaxation tapes, do positive thinking and so on but nowadays and despite this I always descend into hyperventilation which is completely horrible and terrifying. I know the advice which says get up and do something but I am so terrified I am frozen to the spot. I have tried getting up sometimes but this just brings on the hyperventilation more quickly.

I have tried everything except medication. All the quick fixes plus CBT, counselling, hynotherapy and NLP. All this has cost a fortune but I would pay anything to get rid of this and have some sort of life. I am going to the doctor first thing on Monday to try medication.

Today my partner and I went to a local shopping mall. I thought this would be good to get my mind off my extreme anxiety. It was a nightmare and I finished the morning with a migrane which terrifies me. I don't mind the headache but the jagged vision really gets me going. I phoned NHS Direct and the nice woman on the end of the phone really helped. She advised me to go to bed for a while which I did but I woke up feeling just as bad.

Help! What can I do to make me feel better? Recently I have done the whole accept the fear and try and make it worse. The trouble is it has become worse!

Jac x

Jac 2009
15-08-10, 16:58
Hey people - I could really do with some help. I have terrible feelings of dread and I don't know how to control it anymore. I feel as though I am completely losing control.

15-08-10, 19:10
I have the anxiety and panic attacks also. The only thing that helps me is distraction. The weekends can be hard (I work during the week). Even though I am nervous at work, it does give me a lot of distraction away from the anxiety. I also take some ativan, which takes the edge off.

15-08-10, 19:22
oh jac i know exactly where you are coming from my love...i really really do...you are not alone....and we will come out the other side....we will xxxxx

what can i say...i try and keep myself distracted but the waves still overcome me...even when i am swimming my mind is over-active!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jac - let me know how you get on and i will watch your posts with anticipation for some more tips xxxxx

Jac 2009
16-08-10, 18:43
Thank you for replies. I was really feeling terrible yesterday but a bit better today. I went to doctor and she gave me diazepam. I took a tablet this afternoon and although I felt a bit calmer than I would normally, it didn't help that much. I wonder if the dose was too low - 2mg. I'll see how it goes. Thanks for supports. xx

16-08-10, 18:49
Thank you for replies. I was really feeling terrible yesterday but a bit better today. I went to doctor and she gave me diazepam. I took a tablet this afternoon and although I felt a bit calmer than I would normally, it didn't help that much. I wonder if the dose was too low - 2mg. I'll see how it goes. Thanks for supports. xx

Hi there, so sorry wasn't around when you first posted.

I was given diazepam yesterday for a couple of days as I had had a 48 hr panic attack, it has helped. It is 2mg, I did need 4 lots yesterday though, so make sure you see how feel and how much you need. My prescription is no more than 6 a day, so check yours. It will take a bit of time to kick in so give yourself some time. Take care. xx

Jac 2009
17-08-10, 11:23
Thank you for that heavenly. I continued taking it and I had the best night or years. I was awake a lot of it but I did not panic or hyperventilate which is a definite step in the right direction. I hope it continues. x

17-08-10, 11:28
Thank you for that heavenly. I continued taking it and I had the best night or years. I was awake a lot of it but I did not panic or hyperventilate which is a definite step in the right direction. I hope it continues. x

So pleased for you. Its so horrible if you can't sleep at all, those damn voices in your head just won't shut up!!!

Just take what you feel you need, just keep within what it says on the bottle and make sure you see your GP regularly to make sure you are still on the right meds, or if they want to change it, or take you off them or counselling, or a mix of both, I am starting counselling this week, with meds as well. Just find out what is right for you. xxx

17-08-10, 11:31
how much diazepam has the doc given you? Did she warn you that it is addictive?
I know how horrid the feeling is, im going through it again now, and had no sleep last night despite a sleeping pill.
Ive just started antidepressants and am waiting for cbt. I tried hypnotherapy too but it made my heart race as i started to relax as i felt floaty and panicked!
I do try distraction but sometimed nothing seems to work. I think my poor hubby and children have had enough of me.

Jac 2009
17-08-10, 11:51
MY whole family is pretty sick of me too although they'e being very good about it! My doc said 2mg 3 times a day when needed. She was being cautious and I'm sure if I rang her she would up the dose - apparently the highest dose it 30 - 40 mg a day. I know what you mean about hynotherapy - stay with it, you do eventually relax. We will all get through this. My next task is to remember that the fear is self generated and that I can do it. xx

17-08-10, 12:07
how much diazepam has the doc given you? Did she warn you that it is addictive?
I know how horrid the feeling is, im going through it again now, and had no sleep last night despite a sleeping pill.
Ive just started antidepressants and am waiting for cbt. I tried hypnotherapy too but it made my heart race as i started to relax as i felt floaty and panicked!
I do try distraction but sometimed nothing seems to work. I think my poor hubby and children have had enough of me.

My friend is a hynotherapist and I had a 15 min relaxing session with him, didn't help at all!! So am going for just straightforward counselling, starting this Thursday. Your family haven't had enough of you, that is what I kept thinking, yes it must be hard for them, they don't know what it's like, but they love you and want to help you through it. xxx

17-08-10, 12:09
MY whole family is pretty sick of me too although they'e being very good about it! My doc said 2mg 3 times a day when needed. She was being cautious and I'm sure if I rang her she would up the dose - apparently the highest dose it 30 - 40 mg a day. I know what you mean about hynotherapy - stay with it, you do eventually relax. We will all get through this. My next task is to remember that the fear is self generated and that I can do it. xx

Self generated...never a true word, aren't we idiots to ourselves!! 4 lots of 2mg in a day really helped me and I was having the biggest attack ever. But GP said it was short-term, so that is why I will now be on Propranol. Just keep in touch with your GP. xxx