View Full Version : Panic button

14-08-10, 22:08
On this forum, is it possible to have this...

A facility where if you're having a panic attack, there's a panic button on every page, and if you click on it, the colour of the forum changes, and an alert comes on the screen saying "so and so is panicking right now" and then whoever wants to can go to their intro page or somewhere similar and talk to them. That way, if the person who's panicking doesn't have the energy or inclination to actually start typing straight away, they just press the button and hopefully someone will come to their aid and start talking to them. Then when it's over, the person who was panicking can press the button again and switch off the alert.

...? Or something similar?

14-08-10, 22:21
That would not only be impossible, but a nightmare!

We have a chat room with a help facility.

This forum is huge enough without having added features

Thanks for the suggestion anyway


14-08-10, 22:51
I think this could freak people out if the forum changed colour and alerts all over the place.

I don't think we need such a facility as members can go to chat and ask someone to go in help room with them like Di said.

I appreciate the suggestion but can't see it working to be honest.

14-08-10, 22:52

Interesting idea but

1) would be very hard to do
2) Would get abused a lot
3) We have a chatroom for this

Thanks for the idea


14-08-10, 23:06
Good God ... we'll be asking for a button to go to the loo next...

It could flash yellow and brown :roflmao:


15-08-10, 12:50
I quite liked that idea.. I've been into the chat room many times while panicking and you can get overlooked when lots of people are chatting at once....

16-08-10, 22:07
Although everyone says it's impossible, it is a shame because that's a really fab idea:)
Get on Dragon Den with that one! x

20-08-10, 00:07
Kath I'm sorry you feel that you've been overlooked in chat when you needed help. Every time I've gone on I've just typed "Help pa" and had instant response. You can also message someone who's in there asking for help, or go to another room - someone will always follow you.

I wouldn't like things flashing up at all. I would feel really guilty if I din't feel able or have the time to respond, and that would increase my own anxiety. I'm not sure why leafar asked for it, as he says he doesn't have panic attacks anyway, but I do quite like Alex' suggestion :D