View Full Version : Never ending problems....

14-08-10, 23:22
I've been having problems with my eyes for quite a while, I have the usual floaters and fuzzy vision which I'm getting used to and then my right eye lid droops which is annoying and makes me even more anxious. I freaked out as per usual and my mum just said it's probably always been that way and I just haven't notices. It's just annoying my because it's making me anxious and I'm supposed to be getting better.

15-08-10, 10:55
Hi Nutmeg. I had a twitchy eye for about 6 months last year because of my anxiety. Do you go to the opticians regularly? Could it be something as simple as eyestrain? I know how worrying eye things are. I have really bad vision and once you start worrying about it it's impossible to not pay attention to it unless you close your eyes!

15-08-10, 11:02
I get twitching eyes and floaters when I am tired and also if I sit too near a TV screen for too long

15-08-10, 23:00
Thanks, I'm at the opticians regularly (in fact I was there about 2 weeks ago for a check up) It's not just my eyes really. I think it's the fact that it's one thing then another. I've been having headaches and fuzzy vision for so long. I don't like bothering the doctor I have so many problems (ocd, social anxiety, depression, pcos) and keeping track of those is hard enough I hate adding anything else to her plate. I've mentioned them and she says it probably not anything. But I don't think she really understands.