View Full Version : Finally coming off citalopram :)

15-08-10, 00:21
Thought I'd put up a bit of a success story for hope...

I've been depressed since I was a teenager, and its climax was about a year ago. I went on citalopram and got some good therapy, and now I understand myself much better.

I'm slowly weaning off citalopram, but it does take time. It's a serious drug and meddles with the chemicals in your brain. When you change your dose, your brain starts doing funny things. I always feel worse when I go down a dose. But then I stabalise, and I'm ready to reduce the dose again.

When I went from 40mg to 20mg, I had a week of getting horrible suicidal images in my mind, like I used to at the height of my depression. I'm on alternate days 10mg and 20mg now, and I still get the images, but they don't really affect my mood. However, I am really anxious frequently because that's just a side effect of withdrawing from the drugs.

By the time I start uni again in October, I hope to be off them completely. Fingers crossed. That will have made a year of my life on citalopram. I've just celebrated my 21st birthday, and lord knows I'm lucky I made it this far, I was such a danger unto myself! Yay for being alive.

You can teach yourself to be happy in your life, or make some changes to your circumstances... but whatever you do, you must remember that you are in control of your own life, and it's your own responsibility to fix it. Support from family and friends really does help though :)

Good luck everyone xx

15-08-10, 00:25
Well done lior - having been on citalopram in the past it did help me - but well done you for getting this far and wishing you all the best for uni - huge pat on the back and big hugs:hugs:

15-08-10, 09:22
Well done and good luck. Was only on 10mg myself and have recently come off that. Can't imagine how hard it must be on 40 -> 20 etc

Keep it going ! :-)

15-08-10, 09:23
Well done and a good story to read. Least you are gradually weaning yourself of cit. Best way.

All the best when uni time comes around.

15-08-10, 09:47

A real positive story...well done...I wish you all the best going forward.
