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View Full Version : Fell down flight of stairs other day - now anxiety high :(

15-08-10, 00:36
Hello! I was at a friends house (thursday night) where i haven't been before, so didn't know the lay out of the house very well. We went out drinking....when we came home i decided to get ready for bed, as leaving the kitchen the hall way was very dark...and where i thought a floor was heading towards her room was actually a flight of stairs!!!

I literally walked into air then fell down the whole say 12/14 stairs :( Being drunk didn't even cause it as i think the same would have happened if i was sober...In a way i am glad i was drunk as i think your less likely to tense up so kind of 'floppy' as i fell so hopefully eased my fall.

Luckily i didnt break a bone nore my neck!!!! Think i have just bruised my muscles (if thats possible) very badly as back is sore although my spine doesnt hurt when i press it....

sorry to the point... I cant help fixating about my fall now, keep worrying i may have internal bleeding and unaware of it? I am one of those people who is petrified of death, so cant help thinking i have done some serious internal damage without realising! I went to the hospital the next day to check myself out...they said i am fine...but there is something worrying me that they missed something :( I dont think i hit my head on the way down....but have pressure and tingling behind my ears at the moment, which i think is my anxiety kicking in (as had that symptom before)...but getting paranoid something else is wrong.

Sorry if this makes no sense and if i am ranting on, just freaking out :( I should just count myself lucky shouldnt i?? I surely would know by now if there was any internal damage?!

15-08-10, 01:10
Ouch!! If you fell down that many stairs I'm not suprised you ache. Probably bumped yourself quite a lot on the way down :( You've been checked out by doctors so that means you're fine :D They couldn't let you go home if there was any doubt that you had internal bleeding or were seriously injured, plus yes I'm pretty sure you'd know by now if you had internal bleeding, it's just your anxiety kicking in. We get told we're fine but our brain tells us otherwise! You're gonna be fine xxx