View Full Version : Head pain

15-08-10, 01:58
Hi everyone. Just wanting to check to see if this is normal or not. If you shake your head vigorously does it hurt? It does have to be pretty vigorous. The kind of head shake that makes your cheeks do a funny sort of cartoon sound if they are relaxed if you know what I mean. I know this might sound stupid but I've asked a few people and they say no. When I do it it leaves me with a slight pain on the top of my head on the right side. It has for as long as I can remember now so I'm not that concerned about it but I suppose I'm asking the question so you could say I'm a little bothered by it.

I'm sure there'll be a few Tommy Cooper style 'don't do it' jokes but I am just trying to see if it's normal or not. Shaking your head that vigorous is not normal I know but I hope you all understand what I mean.


15-08-10, 03:35
Does kinda hurt when I do it but not afterwards. Do you do it a lot to test? Cuz that would make your head hurt after lol. I jus did it about 3 times to make sure and can't face doin it again! Don't think we're supposed to shake our heads like that so thats why it probs hurts! xx

15-08-10, 04:31
Yeah I only mean a slight pain during the shaking... Weird I know but thanks for contributing!!! So your results match mine.