View Full Version : i am askin for wrong book the one i want is called been there done that soz

15-08-10, 09:11
i put a thread on askin about a book called feel the fear and do it anway i read all about the book on google and thought i dont think thats the one i am lookin for and way went on tip on here and saw the one i want its called been there done that by sam obitze i will still ave a job getting it so any one here got one for sale thanks lv trish xxx

15-08-10, 19:26
I just ordered it from http://tao3.com/index.html

15-08-10, 20:21
ok thanks for that i will take a look fingers crossed lv trishx

15-08-10, 20:27
When I get it and start reading it, I'll let you know what I think about it.

15-08-10, 20:52
hi i ave placed an order useing my sons credit card i dont ave pay pal but he does it wont take the money out of his paypal account as he says is card is not cennected to his paypal or somyjimg like that it use to be its not now well hope not any way thanks again how did you say the book was did it help you at all

15-08-10, 21:02
I just ordered it today using my PayPal account. I am hoping that it helps.

17-08-10, 00:22
I just ordered it today using my PayPal account. I am hoping that it helps.finger crossed well it cant make us any worse can it lol happy reading wen u get it let me no how it goes lv trish