View Full Version : help...i just wish i could wake up without anxiety

15-08-10, 09:37
HELP my friends,

panic/anxiety high this morning....i am dreading wednesday when i have to take my daughter to hospital...god say i cannot make it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please please please some words of comfort....i need you all xxxxxxxxx

15-08-10, 09:45

You will be fine on wednesday at the hospital, the thought of it is more worrying than actually being there, i've got to take my little girl back to hosp next week too so i know how you're feeling, but we can do it, our girls need us to.

As for the anxiety, try and busy yourself, i know it seems a hard thing to do but try not to give it too much attention, as horrible as it is, anxiety is just a feeling and it cannot harm you.

have a great big :hugs:from me and hopefully it will settle back down shortly.

di xx

15-08-10, 09:48
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh di thank you oh so much....you dont know how i much i appreciate your reply.

i am off to church in 20 mins....so yes i am going to busy myself.

so you have to take your daughter to hosp please pm me anytime xxxxx

di....thank you for your hugs xxxxxxxx oh di what would i do without being here on this site....i am oh so grateful to you all xxxxxx

now i am going to brush my teeth and get ready....thank you di xxxxx please please let me know how it goes with your daughter.

love tracey xxxxxx

15-08-10, 09:50
Have a good morning Tracey and do try and ignore Mr Horrible Anxiety, the more you ignore him, he'll soon get bored and disappear............

And i'll be here wednesday morning to help you get through your daughters hosp appointment so don't worry

di xx

15-08-10, 18:46
hi di...that is oh so appreciated xxxx and i am here for you too xxxx thank you once again for your messages of comfort xxxxx

15-08-10, 18:51
Sending you lots of love and positive thoughts for wednesday Tracey, you will get through it, you'll see, you'll be amazing :)
Amy x

15-08-10, 19:24
AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - thank you so much my love....i so appreciate your confidence in me xxxx

16-08-10, 09:27
Bless you. I do totally understand. I had to go to hospital yesterday to get Diazepam and I didn't know how I got there and I had a half hour wait. But I did it!! Proud of myself. And I wrote it down on my list of achievements for the day, which I look at, when I need to, telling me how well I am doing, when I feel terrible.

I do totally understand, will be thinking of you Wednesday, I might even be online before you go. We all know you can do it. Lots of Love xxxx