View Full Version : if it not one thing its another!!!!!!!!!

15-08-10, 09:44
my HA is getting worse i was back down the hospital Friday night with racing heart and really bad chest pains, had all the test ECG x2 and bloods all came back normal so it put my mind at ease. today i have woken up and my arms feel very heavy and uncomfortable, my chest feel tight and i just dont feel right. i know that it just anxiety but the 'what ifs' are there, haven't gone into a panic yet but i can feel it coming on if i dont get my mind of it. i feel all over the place does anyone else experiences this im starting to worry :unsure:
zoe x

15-08-10, 10:53
Hi Zoe,

I think that going to the hospital or doctors can be a really stressful experience for us HAers. I know I have been a lot more attuned to my body and any little spot or itch since I got obsessed with going to the GUM clinic, and I think that it's almost like a form of trauma that can then bring on anxiety-related symptoms, which heavy arms and a tight chest most definitely are!

Try and get outside, go for a walk, get some fresh air and you'll feel a lot better xx

15-08-10, 11:13
Heavy arms and tight chest are typical of anxiety. I agree about being tuned in to every change and grumble in the body. It's hard to get yourself to not to concentrate on your body and feel every little thing.

Can you distract yourself for a wee while just to see if it helps relax the body a little?

15-08-10, 18:13
hi mate when i get this i go for a ride on my bike also try visualization things i do it and it lifts my mood i think im in my car with the windows down and the music playing and the sun shining i can feel this working believe it or not think of some thing that makes you feel good try time lines etc or

15-08-10, 19:00
I'm getting the exact same symptoms at the moment - just wanted to let you know your definately not alone.
Hope you feel better soon :)
Amy x

15-08-10, 22:59
Yeah, it's right. I'm totally fixated on my dizziness/unsteadiness and the visual disturbances I seem to be getting. I'm convincing myself that I have a brain tumor, or some undiagnosed neurological condition. I have in the past thought I've had: HIV; Cancer; Leukaemia, Heart Problems; MS/ALS or MND. Whilst I know I have health anxiety, it is so difficult to talk myself out of the situation I'm in. I think it's always the what-if I'm right this time sort of thing. I'm booking an appointment tomorrow morning at the docs even though I've seen a professor of Neurology about the MS/ALS/MND thing this year, as well as 3 trips to the casualty about the dizziness/unsteady feelings. It's so awful.

The phrase 'scared of living, but afraid to die' has never been more true.

Natalie x
15-08-10, 23:10
Hi Zoe. Sorry your having a bad time. Wot your describing is all anxiety related. I used to get this when my anxiety started and like you, all the 'what if's' ran through my head. You've been to the hospital and had tests and nothing came back wrong. Perfectly fine! Like what you told me, just try not to think about it. Read a book or watch a film. Even thinking of something that makes you happy helps :) x x

16-08-10, 17:29
hi i get this now i try do some relaxation or take my baby for a walk or have a bath! also rescue remdey can help to! hope your ok x

16-08-10, 19:35
thanks everyone i will take all your recommendations on board hope it passes it getting me down now plus having terrible chest pain. went to docs he putting me in touch with a specialist to put my mind at ease thanks all means alot
zoe x