View Full Version : Sentences that come into head when half alseep or tired, are they from future?

15-08-10, 13:59
When im trying to sleep or very tired or half asleep half awake i get random sentences, phrases(come without me thinking them) that some i recognize from the days conversation and some i dont. It is got me thinking that the brain is getting them from future via radio signals? is that even possible? ive had some really scary ones!

I also noticed some of the phrases pop up on conversation or tv hours or days later, why is that happening?

please help!

15-08-10, 14:01
When im trying to sleep or very tired or half asleep half awake i get random sentences, phrases(come without me thinking them) that some i recognize from the days conversation and some i dont. It is got me thinking that the brain is getting them from future via radio signals? is that even possible? ive had some really scary ones!

I also noticed some of the phrases pop up on conversation or tv hours or days later, why is that happening?

please help!

15-08-10, 14:05
These kind of thoughts i think are the brain relising thoughts we dont need, the brain can only hold so much, so tv, radio, things we seen during the day, is filtered out.
Thats what i think anyway, its when you are half asleep and going into sleep it happens more i think.
I prob havent been any help. sorry. xx

15-08-10, 14:09

I got so scared that i began to think they were future conversations etc

15-08-10, 14:20
no no nothing to worry about. :)

15-08-10, 15:45
Can anyone tell me if these random sentences are from the future or is that my anxiety taking over? is it even possible, what am i thinking like that?

15-08-10, 19:39
no they are not radio signals from the future.When you think about it logically that is impossible, probally just an over active imagination,
like alot of people on this site,myself being no exception.
Relax and good luck. Paperhanger

15-08-10, 22:40
It is a strange thing. I know quite a few people think they can hear music as they drop off. Sounds like you are one of those people who's mind gets busy when you are tired and about to drop off to sleep.

15-08-10, 23:39
This is very common ,I find it happens when im over tired .Its a mixture of thoughts and the subconcious mind .I often jolt awake when this happens .Its definately not something being transmitted by radio signals from the future .The brain stores everything it hears even things you are not aware of .So when you hear conversations on the Tv or Radio you think youve heard before ,the chances are you have heard them before.Even conversations in dreams are stored in your memory ..So its a case of high coincidence ...Sue

16-08-10, 01:14
i get this when i am over tired and its like whole conversations, the worst one was i thought my neice was shouting me and then i felt something jump on me i was scared but i know your brain can do very weird things when you are over tired etc and make you hear and sense stuff, when i am feeling really anxious its worse

16-08-10, 10:38
i have had this for years. when i sleep i hear voices as if they are in the room. sometimes saying my name, other times incomplete sentences. i also have what i call pre-dream flashes.... its like an image has been held in front of my face before i am even asleep. lately ive had a couple of weird things... when ive been lying in bed (over the last 3 weeks) ive had white flashes of bleached out images come into my head when i close my eyes... i dont know what they are... our brains work in a strange way... over the last month i have developed partial photographic memory. i dont know what triggered it. my brother and dad have been finding it amusing... they have started asking me obscure questions as to where items are in their homes, even though i only go there once a week or every other week, and my brain recalls an exact image of where they are like ive just been given a photograph. Truth is, nobody really knows. Our brains are like archives, storing infinite amounts of images and sounds and memories... the voices you hear are like the dreams you see... down to your own perception and interpretation. There is no right or wrong answer. x

17-08-10, 02:41
When you're in the alpha state, between being awake and asleep, the thoughts are nonsensical. I can tell when I am drifting off because the words don't make sense. Things like "orange cabinet", "blue tomatoes", just crazy things put together. It's nothing to do with the future, nothing mysterious. It happens to everyone.