View Full Version : Woke up with racing heart - I am so worried!

15-08-10, 15:54
Last night my heat was a bit 'jumpy' as I was trying to go asleep. After about 20 mins asleep I jolted awake with a racing heart. (I didn't take my pulse but probably around 120) After about 2-3 minutes it went back to normal but I was very on edge by the whole experience. It took me quite a while to fully calm down and get back to sleep.

I have had panic attacks before but never when I have been asleep. Can they happen when you're asleep?

I'm worried that I have an arrhythmia or some sort of heart condition. I have had many ECG's, an ECHO, a 24hour holter monitor, I had my thyroid checked and also had many blood tests. Each test with a normal result.

I have had quite a stressful week and yesterday I was having dizziness and all sorts of other horrible symptoms. The last ECG i had was about 2-3 months ago. Shoud I inform my doctor about last nights occurance or should I try not to worry about it?

Has anyone ever been woken with a racing heart?
Should I be worried?

15-08-10, 16:36
Hi there. I get nocturnal panic attacks. They wake me up from sleep and im in the middle of an even attack. Mostly worse than the daytime ones too. i wouldnt worry too much about it. Theyll pass as your anxiety drops.

15-08-10, 17:39
i have had this on many of occasions its horrible. my doctor said that they were panic attacks that my sub conscious starts its really frightening tho. mine are worse at night than what they are through the day. i wouldn't worry about it and after all the test you had done if there was anything wrong with your heart they would of found it
zoe x

15-08-10, 19:02
Yep I've had this too - very frightening but harmless.
Hope you feel better soon :) xx

15-08-10, 21:04
Your subconsious can give you panic attacks/racing heart. I've woke up with a racing heart many times and I'm still here! Escpecially happens if I have a "shallow sleep" if you know what I mean, don't know how else to explain it. I know how you feel all too well and I know what you're going through, it's horrible wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. You ever need to talk just PM me, I have exactly the same heart fears as you do!

Hope you're feeling better you're gonna be fine xxx

15-08-10, 21:07
I get that too - and also people I know who don't suffer from anxiety. So please don't worry.

16-08-10, 07:14
I had this the first time I ever experienced a panic attack ended up in the hospital and was diagnosed with anxiety felt like my bed was literally shaking I've had a couple more of these experiences and heart palps that have woken me up and I've had all the tests youve had and am "normal"

16-08-10, 11:17
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm trying not to dwell on it, but it's been on my mind ever since. I keep thinking 'what ifs'. Like what if it was Ventricular Tacycardia, what if I have an undiagnosed heart condition, the list is endless... I have an appointment to see my GP Tomorrow, just to have a chat and see what he thinks of it all.

Thanks for another very reassuring post pokerface, you have helped me so much. :)


16-08-10, 13:59
Up until now, nothing in the night. I wake up with the odd jump. I do use a meditation tape before sleep though. Could that be why?

16-08-10, 14:08
I might give my meditation CD a try next time my heart feels a bit jumpy before bed. Maybe that will help.

16-08-10, 17:27
relaxation cds def help me when i feel like this i spend for ever in and out of the doctors with this feeling after having loads of tests ecg 24 hr monitor scans ect everything was fine but i still worry that they didnt find something that was wrong!

have you tryed rescue remedey? or kalms? they have both helped me x

16-08-10, 18:59
Thanks for the reply S22fyx.

Yeah I have Rescue Remedy, but to be honest it doesn't do a lot for me. Are Kalms better?

16-08-10, 20:08
yeh kalms can help not saying there brill but they helped me abit also the relaxation and pulse point gel helps as its quite relaxing x:hugs::hugs:

17-08-10, 11:23
Well I'm just back from seeing my GP.

He's referring me to a cardiologist that specialises in the electrical system of the heart. He said it's just for my reassurance and that if everything comes back fine then it is just that, FINE! Apparently he is one of the best. Hopefully I won't be waiting too long to see him. He said he'd bet 1 million pound that it comes back fine. I hope he's right!

He didn't seem too concerned at all with me waking up with a racing heart. He asked what kind of rythym it was in and I said regular, that's about it. So hopefully I can get some final reassurance when I go and see this cardiologist.

17-08-10, 17:19
glad hes reffered you! ive already seen a cardilogist had 24hr monitoring ecg and a echo which all came back normal i still can stop worrying mines more when im out and aout or doing things i worry about my heart! x

17-08-10, 21:05
I've had a 24hr holter, Echo and Ecg too but this time its with a different cardiologist. I have to have all of those tests done again and a stress test!!! I dont know why but i usually feel reasurred after coming out of the docs but all day today ive been on edge... Short of breath and my hearts been having a party!