View Full Version : Getting really anxious, trying not to google.. pain in left side under ribs!!!

15-08-10, 17:16
Hi all,

Im getting really anxious about this now..... i had an ice lolly before then went to the shops, as i was on my way i got a pain in my left hand side, just under my ribs... i just thought i was sitting wrong in the car or it was a stitch or something but it didnt go away.... it got worse as i was walking around the shops and i had a bad panic attack and had to go back to the car.... the pain eased alittle, but its still there... its like a sharp pain when i breathe in but its still there when i hold my breath, if u know what i mean?!

My stomach feels all tense now and i know being anxious wont help but what could this pain be??? All sorts of things are running round my head.... pain getting worse, ending up in agony, hospital etc etc

Im trying not to google because i know itl make me worse but its driving me mad..

Please help, any reassurance... just want it to go :mad:

Thank you x

15-08-10, 17:27
I get that all the time, for me its to do with the bottom floating rib, im always moving it out of place. You have probably sat wrong. Try stretching it by putting your arms above your head and leaning over to your right so you can feel it pulling on your ribs, works for me.

16-08-10, 14:47
I too get this all the time. It is sometimes my ibs and other times I am just sitting wrong. Either way it is not going to kill you. good luck

16-08-10, 19:00
Thanku for your replies,

I think i must have pulled/twisted my side in work last week - it feels much better this afternoon but was still very painful when i moved/breathed this morning... hopefully its on the mend now, thnku x