View Full Version : Is there anyone out there who wants love from me as much as I want to give it tothem?

15-08-10, 17:46
Sorry, I didn't know quite where to put this thread, I'm actually considering putting it on a couple of forums.. I dunno just because I really wanna find that special someone ._.

It's just.. hmm ._. It's hard to explain.

I had a dream about it all last night, I think it was because I came to the conclusion yesterday that like, I have a lot of love to give and a lot of affection and caring and things, and I feel like I really should find a girl who wants to receive that much love, you know? Like.. there is this girl I am chatting to a little at the moment, but first of all she lives all the way over in America, so that's a little silly straight away, but also.. yeah she just isn't as into all the e-snuggles and things as much as I am into giving them ._. Does that make sense?

And like, I don't really wanna change, like I don't really want to just like "learn" to not express myself towards someone I care about or have feelings for like that, because it's just part of who I am, I've done it since my earliest relationships.

Anyway but erm, in the dream, there was this girl erm, and I don't know I think it was as simple as she just wanted someone to love and care for her a lot, and I got to be there and then we were both really happy! ^_^

I just hope it doesn't always remain just a dream :(


Veronica H
15-08-10, 17:59
:bighug1:she is out there Mike. Hang in there and carry on being your lovely self.


15-08-10, 18:57
Definately don't change Mike! There's one very lucky girl waiting out there for you! You just need to find her, and you will :)

15-08-10, 19:11
if its to be you will find her

15-08-10, 19:25
mind you might end up witha lucky man, or you might be single and adopt an african orphan. you never know what life might through at you but it will end up good, even if its not what you want right now.

15-08-10, 22:32
I agree, better to wait for that special someone who wants you for all that you are.

17-08-10, 06:31
Aw thanks all of you :)

I'm sure I will find someone someday, and I'm looking forward to Uni :) I just wish I could find someone sooner ^_^

20-08-10, 14:58
Just be who you are Mike stop looking for love it will find who I stopped looking I would go with any girls just to feel wanted only not to be once I stopped I met a very special gal who has probably saved my life keep ya chin up Mike it will happen m8


08-09-10, 01:57
I do know what you mean man :)

I still feel kinda lonesome but.. I am a lil more distracted now with Uni plans and stuff so I'm alright ^_^

09-09-10, 11:33
Hey if u need to talk private message me, u'll av so much fun at uni and ur most probali find ur partner there!

20-09-10, 09:37
aw thanks :)

Yeah I can't wait for Uniiii! hehe

And thanks for the offer of chatting, it's always nice to have someone to talk to!

I'm usually quite like, optimistic and things so I think I'm ok, but thank you :)

At the moment I'm listening to Owl City and feeling very happy! Yay! ^_^

20-09-10, 19:36
hey mike, this person in america you should arrange a meet with them, my friend dates a girl in america and has done for 7 years now

20-09-10, 20:59
Hey Hoppipolla, are you for real?

23-09-10, 21:39
Hey Hoppipolla, are you for real?

yessum ._. heh

25-09-10, 15:11
Hi Hoppipolla, I just wanted to make an observation really.....but this site is called No more panic, it's not really a dating site :(

25-09-10, 17:59
But isn't feeling alone one reason why someone might feel "panic"? :)

25-09-10, 21:54
Hm, I am still feeling low about this though ._. I just.. I don't get girls, at all :(

Problem is, I'm like.. I know my personality is unusual. And maybe that leads to me being incompatible with quite a few people or something :(

I just don't know what to do, but I think it's just because I have felt quite sore today in general. I'm sure I will feel better soon and more like normal :)