View Full Version : Does anyone else get this????

15-08-10, 21:21
recently my legs and arms have been aching quite intensly, heart beat feels slow, chest pains, floaters/blurred vision and have days of going woozy then the woozyness goes away while the other symptoms carry on!!!

anyone else get these symptoms, been to docs and they say my heart and lungs are fine, so scared i have a brain tumour or something!!!!!!

margaret jones
15-08-10, 21:29
Kay you poor thing feeling so poorly .are you on any medication ??? The fact that your Gp has checked you out is good but It is horrid to feel so poorly and maybe It is that old chesnut Anxiety that is causing your symptons ??

Take Care Maggie have a :hugs: hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-08-10, 21:39
i only get the woozyness every other week for a few days, but it scares me and i get tension headaches alot, so am so scared i have a brain tumour or something!!!!

15-08-10, 23:34
If u had something like a tumour, why would the woozy feeling come and get better?
Floaters are normal, I get em all the time, same with tension headaches.

Achy muscles can be caused through tiredness, stress or ur body keeps the muscles tense all the time.

In this respect I would advise to practice stretches on the affected muscles, make sure ur drinking lots of fluid, make sure ur not straining ur eyes not taking breaks from using the oc

Finally , let go of the worry, the more u worry about something, the more u will feel it,

Accepting stress and anxiety symptoms has been so hard for mr but so necessary to start to feel better!

Take care