View Full Version : Oh great, now I have a sore throat too!

15-08-10, 21:43
I stopped taking sertraline a couple of months ago and ended up going right back to how I was - a total panicking wreck! I've been put back on sertraline and have been on now for about 2 weeks and thank goodness it is starting to make me feel better. Unfortunately during my really anxious phase where I wasn't eating or sleeping (about a week or so ago) I ended up getting the cold sore virus inside my mouth. That has now heeled up well and the dentist is pleased but just as that's cleared up I've managed to get a bug that has been going around my boyfriend's work :( I've got a sore throat and am really freaking out about it now :( It started on one side and now it's sore all over although it feels a little bit better than it did this morning. I'm really worried my immune system may be weak and that's why I'm ill again.

My doctor says she's pretty sure I'm fine but I'm still panicking. I have a huge fear of HIV.

15-08-10, 22:22
take multivitamins? or vitamin c?
get some throat drops for your throat.

I know it's uncomfortable but in the end you will be perfectly ok.
our imagination really gets carried away.
what happens me is that I think my throat will close up and i will suffocate, that's why I get such bad anxiety when my throat gets sore.

where as you think a sore throat is a sign of HIV?

um not sure how I can help, just that it's just a sore throat , now all we have to do is get the logical part of your brain to believe it.

sometimes I watch tv and play a lot of video games for distraction and to block out what is bothering me.

guess if you get very anxious there is always the chat room so you won't feel so alone.
hope you feel better soon x x x

15-08-10, 22:31
Remember - you don't need to have a weak immune system to catch bugs. Everyone gets them, including people who are at the peak of fitness and health.

Even if you are a bit run down, it doesn't mean you have HIV. I got shingles once when I was really run down - but I don't have HIV. I was stressed.

Hope you feel better soon.