View Full Version : What do you do with the extra energy?

15-08-10, 23:45
I've found that if I get a bit anxious, and then when I overcome it and it's over, I get a bit hyper. I'm naturally quite lively anyway, but I don' think it's normal to have so much energy. I'm pretty sure that the extra energy left over after anxiety finishes is the same energy that makes me hyper afterwards. I've always put it down to relief, and being so glad that it's over and that I'm capable of getting past it, thatit makes me want to "celebrate" by being hyper. But I don't think that's true anymore. I think it's just that although the problem is over, the energy involved in it is still lingering and I can't help using it.

My question is, should I use it, or should I supress it and just relax and wait for it to go away? Is it one of those things that must be used up? I'm not sure about that, because whenever there's real danger, you get a surge of energy, then it disappears. And maybe, by using it, you're merely justifying its existence, and in a way sending a message to your subconscious to bring on some more even though it's unnecessary and could well lead to another moment of anxiety. Does anyone know what to do with the extra energy?

16-08-10, 00:32
mate , i go the opposite, completely shagged.
depending on how long it lasts, id say burn it off, exersise releases endorphins , so go for it

16-08-10, 19:14
I would say burn it off too - it is probably the extra adrenaline still rushing around your body. If you go for a brisk walk or a run it might help you feel nice and relaxed afterwards?


16-08-10, 22:30
I'd like to think that burning it off is the way to go. But would that not just train my subconscious to believe that I need loads of energy, and then bring on more (in the form of panic)?

16-08-10, 23:11
my first response to this was going to be are you completely serious?? lol its a bit ludicrous to be honest that this is a problem for you and you are toying with the idea of supressing it etc (dont get me wrong i dont mean to sound like an ass or insensitive)

One of the BIGGEST causes of anxiety is supressing this energy supressing emotions. Think about it for a moment can you not honestly see why?? it can make anxiety and panic attacks worse a whole lot worse. If youve got all this excess energy USE it for gods sake!!!!! its completely healthy. I too am the other way round like someone else commented it leaves me completely emotianlly and physically exhausted - it used to give me energy surges when they werent as bad as ive had them the past few years though.

Its the reason we have panic attacks its all this adrenaline building up from worrying thats why excercise is not advisable but actually essential.

Your post has really worried me to be honest because it shows that people still do not understand anxiety and some are very far from understanding these are like basic basic things you need to understand in overcoming anxiety. You're lucky actually because its hard for me to do anything because i feel exhausted all the time if i had some energy knowing what i know now i wouldnt want to use it for a panic attack i would want to use it for taking a walk or doing something fun - wouldnt you??????

supressing things dosent make them go away it just stores them so when you have your next panic attack it will have more power.

please research it a bit more and take bloody care of yourself lol

love greeny xxx

16-08-10, 23:20
Yes I'd like to research it. I just haven'y found any information about it. If using up the excess energy is what I need to do, I'm all for it. I just need to be sure.

16-08-10, 23:46
why arent you sure? surely you can see its common sense?

you do know you are on an anxiety site with lots of helpfull information?........

As long as you use the excess energy for good purposes that dosent hurt anyone or course. If for some bizzarre reason you are still doubting this try supressing it and enjoy your next panic attack lol

its quite simple really

16-08-10, 23:58
The thing is, I think that maybe my natural tendancy to be a bit hyper might be part of the panic thing, ie, energy being used unnecessarily. I don't think it's natural to be that hyper, and maybe I shouldn't be feeding that tendancy. It doesn't feel right, so maybe there's a reason for that. I really do think that there's a connection between panicking and being hyper. I hope I'm wrong, but if you know something I don't, I'd like to know it too.

17-08-10, 00:08
No no on the contarary, If you're a naturally hyper person anyway supressing the energy is going to make things a whole lot worse for you. If you supress energy it dosent dissapear it has to go somewhere so it will just come out in anxiety if you have tendencies to worry anyway and you could suffer unneccissarily a whole lot more than usual. The more you use this energy for productive things - mainly excerisize which HAS BEEN PROVEN to reduce anxiety you will find you have alot less anxiety. Its your body trying to live its life so supressing it is is absolutely ridiculous you might aswell jump into the anxiety fire now.

Ive just told you what i know, from 11 years experience!! lol

The rest is common sense which is why this post worries me really because surely you have some?.....