View Full Version : Bone cancer in arm?

15-08-10, 23:50
hey everybody. Im 23 and recently i started a new job that is very physical work. I was doing fine physically until about a week ago. Extreme pain in my left arm woke me up and wouldnt let me get back to sleep. the pain seems like its coming from my bone in my lower arm. I now get this pain about every other morning that will just wake me up and prevent me from going to sleep. I have to take vicodins for the pain to subside. I am wondering if this could be bone cancer or could it be something else. The pain is in different spots every time it happens, and it seems to be worse the more i use this arm.

16-08-10, 01:42
This is classic muscular pain, due to over using the muscle or using muscles u have never normally used. its agony but definitely NOT bone cancer. The pain can also be down to muscular tension, which is extremely common in anxiety sufferers, due to stress and tensing up (and no u dont notice when ur tensing ur bodily muscles as its an automatic reaction when ur stressed or anxious etc etc)

Take care and...

Dont worry!!!!! :)