View Full Version : Wheezing in throat !

16-08-10, 03:52
Yay the health anxiety's back, makes a change from depression I suppose:ohmy::ohmy::blush:

Tonight I was doing a little exercise, had to stop because I had wheezing in my throat when I breathed in and out. Now I know it's not anxiety but has anyone had this? I have never had it before and it's freaked me out. Oh how nice at 3.45 in the morning!!:blush::blush::blush:

Thanks for reading.
ps. The wheezing went away when I got my breath back!

16-08-10, 16:21
Do you suffer from asthma?

16-08-10, 20:09

No, I don't have asthma. I woke up this morning with feeling of being strangled:ohmy::ohmy: Not going to drs, don't wanna know!!


16-08-10, 20:34
It could just be an allergy Elspeth .Pollen or just poor air quality .People who live in the East of england suffer with more catarrh than any other place in England .I get a wheezy crackle every now and then ,I had chest xray and everything was fine .Try some steam inhalation if it continues .Sleeping with a pillow under the matress will help too .Hope it goes away soon .take care luv Sue x:hugs:

Kerry B
16-08-10, 22:20
I have had wheezing before when I have had a chest Infection and was given an Inhaler to open the Airways.

16-08-10, 22:20
Elspeth I've been wakening up in the morning feeling like that recently. I have asthma, but I've never really felt like this before. I have to use my reliever inhalor every morning, whereas I only had to use it occasionally before. Although you don't think you have asthma you could actually have a mild form of it that's just started. I've only had asthma the last few years. The reliever inhalor makes such a difference so why don't you mention it to your doc. :hugs:

16-08-10, 22:44
Hey Sue, Kerry n Maj

Thanks for replies. I had a test for asthma last year, so I wouldn't think that I have it now. It was strange though that wheezing was only in throat and not in me chest.

I am in the East Sue. I will try steam.

Thanks gain.

02-09-10, 17:27
i would still ask GP, i just had this in my throat a few times and now i got told i have asthma and have an inhaler, the noise in my throat used to drive my mad on a night cos i could hear every rattle, and it wasnt any lower down than my throat.
just ask again to check.

hope your okay.xxx