View Full Version : some days...........

16-08-10, 05:49
i just feel like walking away far away from everyone.....................

jaded jean
16-08-10, 06:27
Hi Stuboyz
Know exactly how you feel mate I am in a 'dip' at the mo I have had the whole day go thru my head before I wake up properly.too much information feel sick with it too,

16-08-10, 08:15
I hear ya Stuboyz! I sometimes wish I lived in the country and could just head off down the fields on my own for hours! Obviously it would have to a field with no cows in it lol! I hate the way the stare at you and follow you lol!

16-08-10, 19:51
I agree wholeheartedly with all the previous posts. Head filled with useless crap day after day, just want to get away from everyone and hopefully give the brain room to breathe - I know that sounds real weird but you all know what I mean. Even the most well-meaning of people can stress you out if your in the wrong mood, and too many people aren't the well-meaning sort.

Wherever we do 'wander off to' to clear our heads and get away from people, we need to make sure we don't all go in the same direction, otherwise it kinda defeats the whole purpose of it!

17-08-10, 11:05
LOL paul - your post made me giggle! :D

18-08-10, 15:52
LOL paul - your post made me giggle! :D

Good! If I can make someone smile or laugh, then it makes the world a slightly better place to be :-)