View Full Version : Woke up this morning....

16-08-10, 07:47
Hiya, sorry I am really panicking. I woke up this morning and had a strange pattern in entire vision and loads of flashing lights, Iv'e never had this before! And I'm really really dizzy and unbalanced. strange vision only lasted a few minutes! Iv'e also got a fever. I woke up halfway through a dream could this be what caused it? I'm really worried it could be something horrible! although I have been tested for loads of things and with my anxiety I have funny vision anyway. But I have never experienced this before. I'm ment to be starting a new job today :( and now I'm really worried!
Please help me
Thank you
Hannah x

16-08-10, 08:50
Hi HannahN, I have never experienced anything like what you have described before. Perhaps the anxiety of starting a new job triggered an extreme response? How are you feeling now?

16-08-10, 09:30
Im feeling okay now thank you. Was just really dizzy!! And was very worried. My brother said he can get this from sleeping with pressure on his eyes I.E pillow....and I did wake up face down. Maybe this was what is was? But I think Anxiety also plays a major part. Thank you for your response x x

16-08-10, 10:07
Glad you are feeling better now HannahN, hope your first day of your new job wasn't too nerve wrecking

16-08-10, 14:03
The flashing lights etc sound like a migraine. Some are like that with no pain, just an aura etc.

16-08-10, 16:49
Yes My doctor told me all the problems Ive had with my eyes are auras but I still feel very dizzy! Anybody have any other ideas to what this mornings episode was?
And thank you I wasnt nervous about the new job and it went well I think x

16-08-10, 17:04
Defo sounds like a migraine aura to me. And it can leave you feeling a little odd for a while even after the aura has gone. If you still feel funny tomorrow go see your Dr but a good sleep should sort you out.

16-08-10, 19:28
Well I hope it goes tomorrow I feel really iffy...Got a sore head now..am thinking sinusitis? Iv'e got a stuffy nose, sore head and pressure between eyebrows..Has anybody ever had this? Thank you x x

17-08-10, 10:13
Hi there

This definitely sounds like a migraine to me (I've had them for years!). The other symptoms could also be linked to it as well, as a lot of sufferers report that their nose gets blocked up during or after an attack.

There are quite a lot of things that can be done to help migraine though, so it's important to go and see your GP about it.

18-08-10, 09:53
Eye pain has many causes. The eye may also hurt in different ways. You might hit your eye on something while you are asleep. Or the pain could be due to an acute form of glaucoma in a rapid increase in intraocular pressure can permanently damage the retina in a few days.