View Full Version : hey hey

16-08-10, 08:50
Well after suffering a rather nasty blip in the last week have started to make a bit more progress again. panic attacks appear to have gone for now and even managed to get into a shop. ok so I was rather tense and started to mutter to myself that I was doing ok. the kids looked a bit bemused lol. the point of this post? just a reminder that sometimes there are easier moments lol. x

16-08-10, 08:57

Yay, go emm!

16-08-10, 09:37
It was the looks I was getting in the shop, very funny. x

16-08-10, 14:18
Bah after managing to get into a shop again today I then got stung by a wasps outside the Damn shop. Bah serves me right for wearing yellow. queue frantic phone call to nhs direct regarding anaphlaxis lol. oh well we live and learn. my ha is now on high alert. x

16-08-10, 14:24
nice 1 emm im sureya be fine well done

16-08-10, 14:44
Well my arm hasn't dropped off yet and I'm pleased I got into the shop. x

16-08-10, 19:12
Well done Em, we get good days and we get bad days, it is all part of the anxiety journey!


16-08-10, 20:07
Ah Ty hun. x

16-08-10, 20:11
Glad you had a good day.

I got into bed the other night and something stung my elbow. It really hurt for about an hour. No sign of anything.

16-08-10, 20:53
This was definately a wasp, Damn thing was hanging out of my arm. but despite all a better day. x

16-08-10, 23:03
Hi Emm

Well done for getting in the shop. I go round the shop talking to myself like that to! My daughter thinks its funny but it helps get me through

mandie x