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View Full Version : feel like throwing the towel in,

16-08-10, 09:12
morning,, on day 7 off upping my cilitapram from a 10 to a 20 mg,,, feel awful burning body sensations muscle tension, dizziness,, sweating, please tell me these will pass i need reasurrance xxxx

16-08-10, 09:14
Hi ellie1971

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
16-08-10, 12:00
It will pass , then you will feel the benefits , Welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

16-08-10, 12:08
Hi Ellie,

Upping and lowering medication can be a nightmare can't it?

I'm sure that you'll begin to feel better soon...keep at it sweetie! :flowers:

Take care,

Sue x :flowers:

16-08-10, 12:44
thankyou,, just scarey becuse i feel so dizzy n muscles in legs tense when i stand,, got kids n feel like i need somone to be here all the time incase i faint with the dizzyness,,,, x

16-08-10, 14:18
well focus on your kids ellie it might help ya thru this good luck gal dave

16-08-10, 15:14
thankyou dave but hard to focus on anything at the min,,,, feel like my kids are missing out at the moment esp in these school hols..,, really need these tabs to kick in n bloody side effect to goooooooo arghhhhh x

16-08-10, 15:26
oh my love....guilt over our kids is a complete and utter nightmare and i know exactly where you are coming from.....but we can only do what we can do (god i wish i could listen to my own advice lol).
but seriously.....i have got myself in such a state over kerrylouise that i am doing her no good at all...keep on asking her if she is ok....is she happy..etc etc etc.
our children will be ok...this weekend i told kerrylouise that i am going through a little bit of a rough patch, she is 13....and i think we both feel better for it.....i didnt make her scared...was just to the point...and we gave each other a hug and i said that she has nothing to worry about xxxx do keep in touch xxxx