View Full Version : Suspected Thrush but dont have usual symptoms

16-08-10, 10:13
I went to docs this morning because of extremely irregular periods and pain during intercourse (only just started having sex so not sure if this is anything or not though). The thread is here: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=78916&page=2

The doc did an oh so comfy examination where she used a finger to feel inside the vagina, and this in itself did hurt me quite alot. She said she couldnt feel anything abnormal like any lump but did say the inside of my vagina was very very red! and that this was most likely Thrush, BUT I have had no itching or pain on urination occur ever, so im thinking how can it be this??

Shes sent a swab away for analysis which will come back in a week's time. Is it possible for it to be Thrush with internal vaginal redness as the only symptom??

She said they couldnt do a smear test there and then and didnt offer any further tests yet for the irregular periods, but did say after the results for the Thrush come back we may need to look into an ultrasound with a probe inside me which she said id probs find painful!!!!

Can thrush present without itching or pain on urination? She said Cervical Cancer was v unlikely from my symptoms.

16-08-10, 10:33
I think it could be.
I used to get thrush quite alot and I "knew" a week or so before the itch I just had a feeling that I got to know.
See what the results say hunni.
Its perfectly harmless anyway, just pop a pill and itll be gone.
Just the itch thats a pain!

16-08-10, 10:42
I dont have any itching or burning, this is what has me worried its not thrush, and the redness must be more sinister such as vaginal cancer.... Also terrified of the ultrasound with scary sounding probe! to look at the irregular periods, I thought they would just do a blood test, but this hasnt been mentioned

My doc also mentioned treating it with a pessary if it is thrush, but I cant see me using one of these and want to take tablets instead, can I just tell the pharmacist I want the tablets not a pessary?

16-08-10, 11:00
Ive had that ultrasound with the probe hun for PCOS. Itsfine just a tiny bit uncomfortable.
Well theyll see in a week from your swab what you have so nothing you can do til then.
Tell the doctor you want the tablet before he writes the prescrption.
BTW pessary is reeeeeealy small and like putting a tampon in.

16-08-10, 11:42
Thx for the reply, Ive rung my surgery and left a message with the receptionist that I would prefer a tablet instead of a pessary, as I really dont think I would use one, and would try and buy the tablet over the counter anyway if this is possible for Thrush if she doesnt prescribe the tablet?

Is there any difference in taking the pessary as compared to the tablet?

16-08-10, 11:43
dont think so ive tried both at different times x

16-08-10, 14:01
I had the Canestan pessary's which worked a treat

16-08-10, 15:23
With no itching or pain on urination etc, could it really still be that I have thrush? If I hadnt gone to docs regarding irregular periods I would have had no idea there was anything wrong at all of this nature

16-08-10, 15:59
you can buy tabs and creams over the counter they work really well just ask your chemist thet are very helpful good luck :) x

16-08-10, 16:02
canestan Duo i think its called?

16-08-10, 16:53
One thing to point out - if you use pessaries you can't rely on condoms for contraception as I think they can make them split. That's what the doctor told me. Also, I get thrush and have all kinds of weird symptoms. I've had occasions when I've been sure I've had it and a test has shown nothing, and tests showing that I've had it when I've felt no symptoms.

17-08-10, 09:39
Thx, it does make me feel better that it could still be an infection the fact that other people have had it without pain and itching.

My doc recommended booking a smear test (a big deal for someone who shakes and nearly faints just walking into a docs surgery let alone them wanting to even listen to my chest or touch me so god knows what il be like with a test like that). As well as being repulsed and terrified of the actual test and the clinical setting il have to have it done in, Im not sure il cope with waiting for results if they take more than 2 to 3 days. Im having to wait 3 days for thes results of the infection and its horrendous enough. How long do results take? If they take longer than this can you pay and go private and speed them up?

Also, having read what the test involves can I have conscious sedation for it, as it sounds utterly horrendous. I had no idea they inserted something to hold the vagina apart etc, that sounds like medieval torture, to be honest I dont think I could lie still enough to let them do it given how scared I am of medical things.... :-(

17-08-10, 17:59
Do you really have flush you ask. Well hopefully the swab results will answer that. It could be just inflamed. Your periods you say are irregular...when I had them too regularly, I had this thing from using tampons when the flow was low. It caused inflammation. What helped was using KY Gelly when using a tampon

18-08-10, 01:20
Ive read about the cervical specific antigen test, couldnt I have this instead? It seems to be a blood test alternative to the Medieval smear test. Even if I had to go private for it that would be fine, I cant understand why something as horrendous as the pap smear still goes on when there is an alternative?? I have asked 4 ppl at work about the smear test, 2 said they fainted, one cried hysterically all the way thru, amnd the other managed not to cry but said it hurt more than anything she had experienced.

Has anyone had this test instead or had it offered?

18-08-10, 10:52
Hi Louise

Those four people you asked at work about the smear test!!!! Im sorry they had to be the ones you asked.

I am petrified of doctors surgery now due to wokring in one and being bullied and now when i go in i get into a state. I also have health anx and hate going doctors coz of that.

However when i have had a smear although very anxious, i have never fainited or screamed hysterically. the last one i had done was uncomforatble and a bit sore but i no that was because i couldnt relax and therefore was so tensed up it made it difficult for the nurse to do.

Previous smears to that have never been a really bad experience at all so please dont take to much of what those 4 women have told you.

mandie x