View Full Version : i dont want to go on anymore.........help

16-08-10, 10:14
oh god....i am so so desperate...when will these feelings go....the anxiety/panic is killing me and i want it all to end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel!
i just dont know wot to do....or wot to say anymore i just want to close my eyes....and not wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am at the end of my tether!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16-08-10, 10:22
You are not alone. There is a lot of help out there if you need it. Your first point of contact should be your gp and hopefully they will be able to help. Ther are always people on here or are willing to listen and will try and help. A lot of people on here have been through or are going through the same as you so they can relate to what your saying. Keep going dont ever give in:flowers:

16-08-10, 10:24
I remember feeling how you do now, i used to wake up every single day full of anxiety and panic, terrible health anx aswell as agoraphobia, the horrible feeling of impending doom, i never ever thought i would ever feel better again.

I don't suffer with them anymore, still battle with the agoraphobia but i'm 90% better than i was last year.

It won't last forever tracey, try and hold on to that thought.

Reading the Dr Claire Weekes books helped me out of the anxiety state.

Do whatever it takes, reading, distraction, anything but don't let it win, this is your life and there is no room in it for anxiety so go kick its backside.

di xx

16-08-10, 10:28
Yeah kick its bloody fat hairy arse !!!! thats what i say, anxiety do one!:)

16-08-10, 10:32
thank you oh so much...i just feel such a failure...so so stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you know wot i mean!
i am seeing my councellor next week for the 1st time in four years!
thank you thank you thank you xxxxx
diane...thank you and i will look into the book re: dr claire weeks - thank you oh so much and knowing that you have been here and got through is such an inspiration.
i am trying to hold on that it wont last forever xxxxx
pmrob1..thank you having you all here is such a comfort xxxxx
i am normally a positive person and this has shook me to the core!

16-08-10, 10:32
Im going threw it.. The only way out is threw,,, keep going hun,,,,, its hard, anyone can add me on facebook if they want a 1 to 1 chat, ellie rudden xxxxxx

16-08-10, 10:32
sharon...you have made me smile..thank you mate xxxx i want to punch him...kick him and squash him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16-08-10, 10:33
oh ellie..i wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy and hopefully i havent got any!...thank you xxxxx

16-08-10, 12:03
oh ellie..i wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy and hopefully i havent got any!...thank you xxxxx

Hi sweetie, I completely understand where you're coming from...we all do!

I have good and bad days, but I try to think back to how I was last Christmas...in a psychiatric ward, and how far I've actually come...yes the anxiety, panic and feelings of helplessness are still with me, but with everybody helping each other on this fab forum, we'll conquer it together!

And things can only get better...crikey, I feel a song :whistles:coming on, and I wouldn't wish my singing on my worst enemy...:blush:

I hope you begin to feel a bit better soon,

Take care,

Sue x :flowers:

16-08-10, 12:10
sue....what a journey you have had xxxx so inspirational...thank you for sharing it with me...i do so appreciate that i am not alone and we are all holding hands going through this together.
wish i could eat....wish i could just calm down! but with the help and comfort and advice from everyone here i will.....please god come out the other side..and be fun-loving...positive thinking tracey again xxxxxx
p.s...i love that song xxxxx

16-08-10, 14:26
Wow, you lot on here amaze me with your courage, stories and advice.

Calm - you really are not alone. Friends and/or families are a lifeline, you need to talk to people. See your GP immediately. I think its worse if you keep things to yourself, your own thoughts can be your worst enemy, but getting things out there, in the open and talking to people, can give you some light at the end of the tunnel.

Sending you loads of strength and I know you can do it!! xxx

16-08-10, 14:51
hiiiiii heavenly....i am understand my gp - have been on cits 20mg for five weeks and on friday she introduced propranolol 10mg x 2 one in the morning and one in the evening but they havent touched my anxiety/panic...i go back to gp next week and see a councellor next week also.
i just want them to kick in and make a difference...i had to take a diaz today 2mg as well!!!!
thank you for your words of comfort...stressful time at the moment...my daughter kerrylouise is seeing a consultant on wednesday re: kidney problems and everything has just got on top of me! life!!!!!!!!! but you know wot...i have all you lovely people....i said to a contact of mine on here that i hope she does not get bored with me....and i hope and pray that i am not too much of a drain or too high maintenance .....i am so so sorry for being so high maintenance at the moment.
thank you for the strength you are sending me.....thank you heavenly xxxx

16-08-10, 15:01
Bless your heart, you have a child as well! I don't but find it hard to even dress myself, so you are doing so well, really!

You would never be a drain, so don't even think it!! I keep apologising to other half and sis for being a burden last 3 days but they tell me not to be silly, its what families are for. There are times in our life when we all need a bit of extra help.

Glad you are seeing a counsellor. I have my first session on Thursday. I know I need to take meds for a while, at least, but the most important thing is getting to the root of the problem, and face my problems and what is bothering me, its the only way.

Loads of love and strength. xx

16-08-10, 21:04
you know wot i keep on apologising to all my family and friends as well.....i think they get bored with me apologising lol.

thank you for your kind words...yes i am so glad that i am as well seeing the councellor.

please pm me thursday evening and let me know how you get on with your councellor if you can xxxx

thank you for your love and strength....right back at you my friend xxxxx

16-08-10, 21:26
I know exactly how you feel - have felt stressed all yesterday and this morning and only now I am beginning to feel normal but always thinking when will it happen again! Get so much comfort from reading the threads on here as otherwise think I am going mad - you will be ok as I am now - it just drives you crazy but we're actually all still sane x x x

17-08-10, 00:20
you know wot i keep on apologising to all my family and friends as well.....i think they get bored with me apologising lol.

thank you for your kind words...yes i am so glad that i am as well seeing the councellor.

please pm me thursday evening and let me know how you get on with your councellor if you can xxxx

thank you for your love and strength....right back at you my friend xxxxx

I will PM you Thursday evening, thank you for caring. :hugs: My appointment is at 6pm, I really cannot wait, I know a lot of sessions will be hard and draining, but its better out than in...because its in...is why my body keeps going into meltdown I think!!!

Hope you are ok hun, PM me anytime. I am not going to work for the next 2 weeks so will be around more. xxx:hugs:

17-08-10, 00:23
I know exactly how you feel - have felt stressed all yesterday and this morning and only now I am beginning to feel normal but always thinking when will it happen again! Get so much comfort from reading the threads on here as otherwise think I am going mad - you will be ok as I am now - it just drives you crazy but we're actually all still sane x x x

Awful isn't it, instead of being glad we feel 'ok', we start worrying 'when will it start again!'. Deary me, we are our worst enemies, aren't we! :wacko:

I just think, for me anyway, that I hit rock bottom on Friday and Saturday and thought I would never feel like 'me' again, yet today, I have been for a long walk this morning with my sis and nephew and played with him in the park, and tonight, have just been for a 2 hour walk with my other half, I know its mid-night now, but I wanted the fresh air! lol I could never have done that 2 days ago, so I know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Stay strong and just enjoy the times you feel 'normal'. xxx

17-08-10, 11:10
just seen this.....yes i think we are our worst enemy....i worry about the attacks and then low and behold i am in one grrrrrrrrrrrr!

i am oh so pleased that you had a good day yesterday....fresh air and good company is such a wonderful tonic.

you take care xxxxx love tracey and yes please let me know how you get on xxxxx

17-08-10, 11:22
fresh air and good company is such a wonderful tonic.

Nail on head, what has got me through the past 3 days....oh and medication....never be ashamed of seeing your GP and getting some extra help!

17-08-10, 11:53
i am seeing gp next friday...hopefully i can hang on until then xxx thank you one and all....today...still high anxiety but hopefully it will calm down..stressing over daughters hospital appointment but i need to think positive thoughts.
much love to you all and thank you for your limitless support xxxx it is so so so so so appreciated xxxxx
you are all truly truly wonderful xxxxx

17-08-10, 12:14
i am seeing gp next friday...hopefully i can hang on until then xxx thank you one and all....today...still high anxiety but hopefully it will calm down..stressing over daughters hospital appointment but i need to think positive thoughts.
much love to you all and thank you for your limitless support xxxx it is so so so so so appreciated xxxxx
you are all truly truly wonderful xxxxx

Don't be hard on yourself, if you need to see the GP before then, then ring up first thing in the morning and get a same day, that is what I do. Look after yourself!! ;-) xxx

Jac 2009
17-08-10, 13:47
Poor, poor you. I have dredged the depths in the last few days and I so know how you feel. Have you tried medication? After taking diazepam for less than I day, I feel like a different person. Take heart - it doesn't have to be like this all the time - it will get better. Jac xxxxx

17-08-10, 16:26
Ive had 4(i think) major relapses since I started getting panic attacks when I was 18 and each time within a few months Im improving daily, so this wont be it for the rest of your life I promise!.
When it gets very bad your body will be anxiety sensitive. This means that its almost geared up for the anxiety. I would imagine youre in that stage at the moment. To get past this you need to really work hard on relaxing.
Every morning no matter how hard the anxiety is hitting work on relaxing every muscle in your body. You can get some good cds that will lead you through this practise. You'll need to keep doing this as often as you can fit it in, but make sure its done first thing each day!

When I was going through my really bad patch earlier this year I would wake up and almost feel my blood fizzing with the stress hormones. Doing the relaxation really helped to get rid of that feeling.

I hope this helps! You will get through this!

19-08-10, 10:05
I remember feeling how you do now, i used to wake up every single day full of anxiety and panic, terrible health anx aswell as agoraphobia, the horrible feeling of impending doom, i never ever thought i would ever feel better again.

I don't suffer with them anymore, still battle with the agoraphobia but i'm 90% better than i was last year.

It won't last forever tracey, try and hold on to that thought.

Reading the Dr Claire Weekes books helped me out of the anxiety state.

Do whatever it takes, reading, distraction, anything but don't let it win, this is your life and there is no room in it for anxiety so go kick its backside.

di xx

Any book in particular, Diane? I keep hearing her name.

Thank you for sharing that you are so much better, this has started for me big-time last Friday, really really bad and terrifying, I feel hopeless that I will always feel like this, but I keep telling myself that things do improve for people. I am having counselling starting tonight as well. Thank you. xxx

10-09-10, 20:13
i have missed these responses i am oh so sorry.

yes i am going to purchase a cd xxxx i think this is such a good idea xxxx

Fly away Katie
10-09-10, 22:28
Keep going darling. Im going through a panic attack right now, my eyes are pouring so much, I can hardly see the screen. But its just horrible anxiety... making our lifes a misery.MASSIVE HUG XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

10-09-10, 23:50
KATIE......YOU OK .....PM ME IF YOU NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or go onto chat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!