View Full Version : does anxiety ever go way when youve had it so long

16-08-10, 12:43
I only remember being anxious, i dont know any other feeling. My anxiety started as a kid until i was 22 then i had 5 years anxiety free-ish now its been back for the last 15 years.
I do have days when i think im beating it but i cant seem to hold on to it.
i make a real effort sometimes to not let it win but one bad day puts me back to square one again.
I have to get on with life as my family dont know how i feel and wouldnt care anyway and friends are lost because i make excuses for never doing anything.
Its so frustrating and i have days when i wonder why i bother struggling to get through each day.
I get tired, aches and pains etc because im alway so tense i really wish the docs would find something wrong with me because it would be so much easier.
Ive been in councelling for 3 years and tried pills but they make me feel worse.
Anyway moan over, has anyone come out the other end after having anxiety for a long time.

16-08-10, 14:13
Heya my dad had anxiety for most of his life but has managed to be anxiety free for the last 10 yrs. during this time he's had more than his fair share of hard times such as cancer. despite that he never went back into an anxiety state and doesn't take medication. so I think the answer to your question is yes it can be done. x

16-08-10, 14:17
My anxiety has bothered me for 2 years and now it is gone and I feel good. It happens when its ready. Like the click of a finger. For me, a change in life caused me to leave it behind. You just have to accept its there and accept that one day it won't be. Therefore you are happy to live with it temporarily.

16-08-10, 16:08
Thanks for replies,

Maybe theres a chance for me yet then Emm, its good to hear about your dad.

You just have to accept its there and accept that one day it won't be. Therefore you are happy to live with it temporarily.

PanchoGoz, i would be happy to live with it temporarily but most of my life with it is a bit long. I do accept it but it gets too much at times.

16-08-10, 16:25
my dad used to say as you get older you get better at dealing with it and eventually manage to minimise it. he had it really badly so I think if he can do it then you will. The fact that he's been through tough times and not gone into an anxiety state shows its more than possible. you will get there. x

16-08-10, 16:51
you will get there. x
Thanks Emm, i hope so.X