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View Full Version : Help!! Depression/Anxiety ruining things!

16-08-10, 14:11
Not sure I am posting this in the right forum, but am suffering badly from depression, anxiety and PMS... all of which I have been struggling with particularly in the last 2 or 3 weeks.

About 2 weeks ago, I started feeling realy strangely towards my new boyfriend (feelings which I have had before and they have gone away). I have always been able to work through these feelings of anxiety / dread and realise that there is nothing to fear and I am in control.

But this time it seems worse and I'm considering ending the relationship... I am wondering if anyone has experienced this with depression before, ie when feeling so low it is impossible to feel enthusiastic / excited about things... I feel like all the excited feelings I had towards him have just gone and don't know why... everything was going so well!!! :( :( :(

My friend has tried to be harsh with me and tell me I need to work through it, give myself time to adjust to a new situation and to accept that I'm feeling low because of hormones.... I'm just not sure I can go through much more! :( :(

16-08-10, 14:48
Ah hun it can be hard to hear stuff like that from friends when you feel rubbish. have you been to your gp yet? this site is full of good information and you'll meet plenty of others who feel like you. take one day at a time and give yourself lots of tlc. x

16-08-10, 15:45
It doesnt help when people say the wrong things hun .Please go and talk it thru with your Dr .Hormones can have a bad effect on our moods ,and there are things that can help .Take care and good luck .Sue xx:hugs:

16-08-10, 19:11
Have you been to see the doctor to see if there are any meds they can prescribe which will help lift your mood. I am on 30mg citalopram and it really helps lift the depression so that you can help yourself tackle the panic attacks.
Also, please don't make any rash decisions while you are feeling like this. Just work through it at the moment to see if things get better, otherwise you may end up regretting doing something which you only did out of depressive and hormonal feelings.


16-08-10, 23:12
Hi, thanks for the responses.... I called things off with him tonight but dont panic! I know it was the right thing, and to be honest, have come to the conclusion it was the relationship that was causing most of my anxiety. I feel relieved.

The feelings were different this time around and I think I realised that deep down it just wasn't right. I'm starting to feel a bit better about other aspects of my life and happier within myself and having spoken to him, we've both realised we want different things..... Sooooo sad though! I still can't stop crying :( :(

Yeah, I'm on Sertraline and have just had the dose increased. Also been prescribed betablockers (Propranalol) for the anxiety symptoms. I feel so down about the fact I can't seem to get past this stage in a relationship and feel like a failure..... I feel like my friends and family will be like, "Oh, here we go again"..... Why can't I find someone I click with who wants the same things?

And will that person (if he's out there!?) be understanding enough about the anxiety stuff?? This really worries me.... will it be a problem? :( I do know friends who suffer in this way and their partners are great about it... I just know these guys are hard to find..... x