View Full Version : fear of something im really looking forward to!!??

16-08-10, 18:20
later this week im off to a music/arts festival for a few days....this is one of my favorite things to do and over the last 5 or 6 years ive had a many fantastic festival experiences, and when i booked the tickets for this one i was really excited!
for some reason over the last few weeks, having been suffering with anxiety since late last year, ive become scared of the approaching festival!
I know its so silly but im worried about whether ill enjoy myself, im worried if ill feel unwell and if i do how i will handle it.
Im going to be with my partner and some friends...ive never suffered a panic attack at a festival before (just the odd hangover!) and in reality i know that if i dont over do the booze there is no reason for me to feel unwell....
despite this i keep getting waves of worry and fear when i think about it!

anyone got any tips or advice? i dont want my worry/anxiety to spoil the experience....

16-08-10, 18:29
ah it's the anticipatory anxiety,
you know sometimes anxiety and excitement can feel the same.

I think if you try and only imagine everything going well and remind your self of how much fun you always have at the festival.

16-08-10, 18:46
Hi there, I know, aren't our brains weird! Something nice to look forward to and we still get anxious, for no reason!! Just keep thinking of how great its going to be and more importantly....how much fun you will have and when its over, how proud you will be of yourself!! xxx

16-08-10, 20:12
I agree with mischel. anxiety and excitement can stimulate the same response. try to look forward to getting away from it all. make sure youve practiced all your coping. techniques and enjoy it. x

18-08-10, 10:48
thanks for the commetns people....im currently at work, didnt have such a great nights sleep, and in turn im feeling not so good....churning stomach, spaced 'detatched' feeling.....so im worrying about being ill..its so silly but i cantshake the feeling....i have to drive to the airport and get on a plane back to the uk this afternoon....i can feel the anxiety rising - words of advice really appreciated

18-08-10, 12:45
Snap I'm flying today and feeling the same way. practice diaphragmatic breathing and maybe listen to some music or read a book for distractions. try to let the anxiety flow through you. if I can do it then so can you. x

18-08-10, 14:47
thanks emm.....managed a short sleep before i left, which helpred deal with some tiredness issues...am at airport now...im not even scared of flying..but still..am armed with a book and my ipod and dotn have too long to wait ......i also called a friend earlier just to tell soemone i was feeling a bit wrong...this helped a bot - just to not be 'alone' in my anxiety!
good luck with your travels emm!

18-08-10, 14:52
Well done you. I'm wetting my pants. have had to call an anxiety line to clear my mind so you've done better than me lol. this is my first time flying. enjoy your festival hun. x