View Full Version : So many symptoms and emotionally drained

16-08-10, 19:17
I am a long time sufferer of HA. I am 39 yr old male and reasonably fit. I have been diagnosed with GERD, IBS and GAD. I take nexium for the GERD and fiber for the IBS and nothing for the GAD. For months now I have been having daily nausea and much worse heartburn and diarrhea than usual. I have pain on the left side of my throat, a feeling like something is stuck in it, feeling like I have to swallow multiple times to get stuff down and the occasional gag when it feels like my throat is closing off when I am trying to drink something. I am also frequently hoarse and my voice cracks. I am also having some back pain and patches of very dry, almost scaly, skin. I so concerned that this is a tumor in my throat and that it has spread to my kidneys or liver. I already have thousands of dollars in medical bills I can’t pay so another visit to the doctor is out. I had a CBC and colonoscopy last October that were both fine. I can’t focus on anything else. I am tired and achy and my mouth is dry. I feel like I am falling apart right now and that I will never find peace again. I really need to hear from people as to what all these feelings could be and how I can stop them. I am desperate and scared and very grateful for any response.

16-08-10, 20:37
I'm sorry you're having a bad time of it. I would ask your GP about Nexium side effects - I just did a quick search, as I know some stomach meds can cause diarrhoea, stomach pain and nausea - and Nexium has these side effects, as well as a hoarse throat and eczema, from what I can see.

I hope you feel better soon.


16-08-10, 20:41
Thanks for googling for me. I have to avoid googling anything health related. I have been on nexium for over a year and these symptoms haven't been around that long. I do appreciate the response though. Thank you