View Full Version : a brief moment before panic

16-08-10, 20:34
Hi everyone,

I have been studying anxiety and panic attacks for a long time now and have written a few posts.

I have had a relapse in anxiety after 2 years of struggling and 3 years of being panic attack free (not really anxiety), I had relapsed earlier this year in May and I took the time to understand what i have been doing wrong and what I have been doing right and decided on a much better plan going forward.

I am changing my life around very slowly, big changes don't come right away they come in small changes. I swim 4 times a week and have a morning routine which helps me be motivated for the rest of the day. Both of these are something that most healthy people should be doing, let alone anxious people.

I have learned breathing and I meditate (or try to) while I swim, most of this has helped me slow down my thoughts and I can now step back and look at my thoughts in a objective, observant manner (still practicing this), but it has been much better because I am able to actually identify the troubling thoughts and stop them or change them...

Which brings me to my next point, that brief SECOND right before a panic attack. I know it feels like a second, but for me it feels much longer now to a point where I feel i have enough time to calm my panic down before it turns into a panic attack.

I know most of you have experienced this moment, it is a moment when you literally freeze and feel like you've fallen into a whirlpool of anxiety or got sucked in by a black hole. An anxiety feeling washes over you and builds up like a boiling kettle until you explode with a panic attack.

I want to emphasize how important this brief second is, how important it is to notice it so that you can quickly snap out of it. I know that you shouldn't fight anxiety/panic, but what helps me is realizing I am falling off into a sea of anxiety and to start thinking about something else, especially my accomplishments from the previous days or any other time in my life.

Just wanted to share my research into anxiety/panic, I feel like this brief moment is the key to controlling panic attacks (not anxiety).

~glowly worm~
09-09-10, 19:04
Hi Jabz,

that sounds reallypositive i'm glad you are finding things that have helped.
Could you share a little about what makes the morning routine so motivating pelase?
I find getting motivatd very difficult! ;)

Warm Thanks,

~ glowly ~

09-09-10, 19:11
its good that you have found something that helps and it does sound great but by that time it is all too late for me... by the time I get that feeling I'm already too far down the road... apparently my counsellor told me that it is targeting the thought that is often overlooked as we don't even realise we've had it... I know that I'm terrible for thinking something nice and this turning into a bad memory thought..sometimes I can shake it off but often it is if I recognise it first of all and also the people environment around me... if I'm allowed to dwell that makes it ten times worse, if I'm shouted at or shunned it backs up the initial worrying thought...

I will keep your idea in mind but god help me because no matter what course of action I try to take when it is going to take hold it ruddy well does no matter what I want.... but I am willing to try anything so thank you x