View Full Version : A message to my health anxiety..

16-08-10, 20:38
"Well, iv had enough of you now...

You have controlled my life in one way or another since I was 11 years old.. thats 11 years of my life I will never get back!

The first thing i think of when i wake up is you and i think about you from that first minute... till i eventually get to close my eyes at night!

And quite frankly, you're not worth it anymore! I want MY life back so im taking it back whether you like it or not...

I will not panic or freak out if i feel a symptom iv not felt before.... but if something is going to happen, itl happen! Panicking about it wont prevent me from dying etc...

I will not think whether to accept an invitation out just incase you crop up and destroy my outings...... I WILL accept and you can fight me all you like because im not giving in anymore..

I will not suddenly think i feel weird when driving somewhere so automatically turn my car around and go back to my safety zone..... because there is no 'safety zone' .. just because i go back home, wont stop me dying/heart attack/illness etc... its just YOU!

I will not carry around a plastic bag in my handbag with me incase i am sick, nor will i carry fruit around with me incase i pass out ..... because if any of those things are going to happen, they will happen... i cant control it with a plastic bag or piece of fruit!

I will NOT give in to you... you can fight me, beat me down, nag at me, shout at me, strangle me, push me ........ I will feel YOU but i will also carry on and IGNORE YOU!

I hope you have enjoyed controlling my life for the past 11 years and whatever you wanted to gain from it, you did... because i tell you one thing right now........ its going to STOP! FULL STOP"

Just a message to my emetophobia, fainting phobia, health anxiety, panic attack and general anxiety..... iv seriously had enough so im going to do all i can do to bring these horrible feelings on, fight it, and get through it...

I thought today....... what are we actually so scared of?

For me its being sick, passing out, or having anything generally wrong with my health..... but if i was going to be ill, i certainly cant stop it so whats the point in worrying/panicking about it.... because 9/10 times nothing actually happens and its just another day wasted from panic and we dont deserve to have our lifes wasted...... we need to live it!
We only get one chance... I dont want to be sat in a care home when im old and in my final days regretting my life and wishing i had lived it abit more... we cant change our past, but we can change our future...

Sorry for going on, iv just had enough and im very positive at the moment that we can change and stop this xx

16-08-10, 21:52
Good on you - keep up the good work. Everything you say makes huge sense and describes most of us I think. I remember panicking about health symptoms when I was 16 yrs old and I am now 49 yrs old and still getting in a panic. I will try and remember your post and hope it helps me.

16-08-10, 22:05
I hope it helps you too. Keep fighting... one day we'll be free x

16-08-10, 22:38
Such a fab post xxx

Good luck xx

Natalie x
16-08-10, 22:47
Thats such a great and positive post and everything you mention makes absolute sense. Im glad your being positive and hope that when we all feel negative or down when a horrid thought comes into our head, that we can read this and see sense. Stay positive and well done :D x

16-08-10, 22:54
Very eloquently said fairy clairy - agree with everything you said and at 46 I should know most of that - just wish I could put it into practice :)

17-08-10, 01:28
Brilliant post. Needs to stay bumped up!!

I was taught this route of thinking during CBT, and it helpes massively!!

Why ruin the only chance of life uve got when if somethings guna happen then u sure cant do anything about it, so just crack on and accept life will be life and dont ruin another minute of it. What really hit a nerve with me was when my therapist said to me "You will probably grow old and look back on your life and wonder why you worried so much, and being old you will look back and regret it so much that u let it ruin your life, and u wont EVER get that chance back again" That hit me hard. You can al beat this! It takes ALOT OF EFFORT DETERMINATION AND HARD WORK. But uwill get there, every single one of you.

Good luck x

17-08-10, 08:38
Great post, like Missy i wish i could put it into practice x

17-08-10, 09:06
Wow! Well said x

17-08-10, 10:44
Thanks guys, means alot that I might have helped just alittle..

We can all do this.. there is nothing to be afraid of because in all honesty, no1 gets out of life alive! So why waste precious time fearing something that will happen one day anyway and we cant do anything about this!

It will be hard, it will take alot of effort and will be draining to fight this off, but we can do it! Keep positive xxx

17-08-10, 11:40
great post,i been putting off having my hair dyed cos of fear of allergic reactions etc, read your post earlier and went rightin had it all done ,feel good ,thx ,i keep re reading it if i feel the anxiety creeping up

17-08-10, 12:52
Well done cornishmaid!!! You should be really proud of yourself...... just remember that whatever will happen, will happen...... so enjoy it, live it and love it! xxx