View Full Version : Another blood test....the waiting begins again!

16-08-10, 21:18
I went back to the docs today. I last went to the gym on tuesday and still feel ill and 'wrong' now. Ever since i have felt right back at square one. One other little 'bonus' this time is a sensation of numbness in my hands - really great for the fear of neuro diseases and/or a BT!!! Why does your mind play on your worst fears??!

Anyway, so the doc said i should have another blood test. Results back in a few days i hope. Everytime they do one (5 or so in the last 2 years now:weep:) i am terrified every day i am going to walk into my office at work to see a message on my phone from the docs saying please come and see me urgently. I hate this.

Has anyone found anything, been told anything, read anything that really helps?? - i feel like there must be something out there somewhere that is the answer - i just can't find it......