View Full Version : Some help and advice

16-08-10, 23:42
hey guys, so ive been researching, thinking and generally reflecting on my own experiences. I myself am an active anxiety sufferer so i know what its like believe me. I'd like to if i can give some helpful advice that might interest you and try and tackle this anxiety. :)

I think the biggest problem with anxiety is losing faith in yourself, losing faith in your bodys and NOT HELPING YOURSELF!! :doh:

Someone who has a fear of going to sleep for example - without worrying people you can only (physically) go so many days until your body will just shut down (not die) and force sleep itself so why worry about it? its going to happen anyway. Instead what you can HELP YOURSELF. Go to bed earlier, get a warm cup of horlicks and a book that interests you - keep your mind on doing something i.e in this case reading the book and drinking a relaxing drink and you will tire yourself enough to have a peacefull sleep !! :yesyes:

Its the same with the fear some people have with breathing, you get really concious of your own breathing that you get afraid you will stop if you dont stop conciously making yourself breathe - its impossible to stop breathing conciously, try holding your breath or not breathing for as long as you can - you cant do it forever your bodys not designed to do that it will force you to breathe ! :yahoo:

People have lost so much faith with their bodies - i hold my hands up myself included when really our bodies are amazing things that will do anything to survive its the strongest fighter ever. Little niggles now and then are most of the time the result of us putting our bodies through so much stress that now and then a muscle will twinge or unusual pains occur here and there. :)

Yet our bodies are designed for that thats what they do if you put them through stress it will deal with it every time so be kind to it. The situation im in is that i have now a stomach ulcer - and its a by product from all these years of worrying, its not life threatening just means i cant eat hot curries which i used to love and be carefull with foods or i have pain. ALL because of worrying!! :mad:

Ive had some really bad anxiety attacks this year and my heart rate has been unbelievably high, but your heart can take it, eventually your heart is going to calm down and you will calm down thats 100% guaranteed unless your doctor has diagnosed you with something but if you had something serious you pretty much would know by now. :hugs:

Please everyone, do yourselves some favours, start today with an action plan draw up some ideas ill help you with some key points here

1. research the anxiety (not on diagnose me or symptom checker) if the doctor says its anxiety it is so research anxiety, get to know what you are dealing with and coping techniques.

2. HELP YOURSELF, a doctor can help you all he can, friends family other sufferers can but you will never ever be free of this if you do not help yourself. identify triggers what sets you off what makes it worse and work on those. Make sure your lifestyle gets healtheir, go to bed at a decent time, change your diet to a healthier one, cut down on alchohol.

3. Accept help! Once you are prepared to help yourself and accept help then take whats on offer don't be a martar or too proud you will just suffer more unneccissarily.

Take care of youself we only get one life just 1 everyones beautifull in their own way and its just such a waste if you let this ruin your life and supress that.

I hope this helps some people or leads to help in some way

love from greeny :bighug1: