View Full Version : Loneliness

17-08-10, 00:03
Hey everyone :)

Does anyone else ever feel lonely due to their anxiety? I do I live about 50 miles from my family I have 2 little boys so I don't get time to go out and socialise. I realised tonight how little friends I actually have. It's really sad seeing as I'm 27! Feel a bit like a failure!!

Anxiety really sucks I used to have bundles of confidence and lots of friends. :(

17-08-10, 00:21
Hi Clairalou

I understand the loneliness. I have a family, well relatives, but we don't get along and I have lost friends due to anxiety etc over many years. It seems to come with the territory unfortunately. I do sympathize with you, sometimes I cry all the time as I am so alone.

We seem to live in a world now where a lot of people realize that life is short and if they are having a good life then they don't go out of their way to help someone else, unlike when I was younger. It's a dog eat dog world now, I've watch it turn over the years. Sorry to be so blunt, but it's true!! This is why this site and othrs like it are so great because we each know what the other is going through and we try & help each other:yesyes:

I hope you get better from this damn anxiety soon.


17-08-10, 00:28
Hi Claire,

Sorry to hear you are feeling so lonely and down. It's totally natural to feel a bit isolated when feeling anxious or depressed as sometimes it feels like people don't understand.

Have you thought about any groups you can join or hobbies you can take up where you might be able to meet people? I'm sure there would be someone willing / able to babysit if you wanted? Just a thought.... I know it can be so hard though.... sometimes I just want to hide and not go out, and since giving up alcohol 3 years ago, I find socialising more difficult and also worry what people will think of me because of it or if its going to cause a difficulty in a relationship, etc.....

I'm 27 too and feel lonely a lot of the time.... I'm back living with my parents as I don't have a fulltime job so money is tight, and I'm now newly single again as of tonight (through choice but its still rubbish!!) and worry I'm not going to ever get to where I want to be.....

...... But the fact you have 2 lovely kids is a massive achievement and something to treasure!! You'll get there... be good to yourself and give yourself lots of TLC, it'll get easier! Take care xx

17-08-10, 16:48
I am so lonely. Mu husband died 3 years ago.
All my boys live at home age 28 22 and 12 but I have few friends just a few from church I see a couple of times a week.

Most of my days and nights are spent on the internet talking to people on face book or friends reunited.
Evenings and weekends I find so much worse as every one is doing family things.

I worry myself to death that I will be lonely for the rest of my life as I can not leave the house on my own so do not see how I will ever make new friends or find a partner.

17-08-10, 17:14
Hi loveletter I feel the same I wonder how I'll ever make new friends as I don't get to go anywhere not only do I have my issues my oldest little boy is autistic so we can only do so much as he's quite a handful and if I'm to be honest when we do go anywhere people just ignore us because he's different! Life can be so hard sometimes.

Luckily we have this site to meet an chat to likeminded people :)


18-08-10, 03:41
Anxiety really sucks I used to have bundles of confidence and lots of friends. :(

The two are connected. Spending alot of time feeling alone will also drain your confidence. We all need friends to socialise with to boost our confidence to make us feel good.

when we do go anywhere people just ignore us because he's different! Life can be so hard sometimes.

Without going into detail, I can relate with this so I know how it feels when people start ignoring you because of your situation and they don't know what to say. It can make you feel very uncomfortable.

I feel it's important that you find a way for time for "you" so you can be yourself with friends. Since your son is autistic I Know there is support out there which will help you get out. Look for what's available in your area and shout that you need help.:hugs: