View Full Version : I feel like my room is contaminated

17-08-10, 07:55
Okay, so as I said in two weeks my uncle and aunt, and few cousins are coming. Well my uncle decided to come early and he did. Anyways, I had to give up my room to him and sleep out on the couch. Recently when I couldn't sleep, I learned that my uncle has been using the bathroom that doesn't have a sink (it is under construction) in the night, and he has been returning to my room without washing his hands. I am such a clean freak that this is bothering me, and I want to go crazy and just take clorox wipes and sanitize everything in my room (I think I may do it after he leaves) and... its just bothering me really bad right now, I feel like my room is contaminated! What should I do right now until he leaves? I would atleast like some comforting words :(

17-08-10, 08:05
hmm I can't really relate, so do not know what advice to offer.
at least when he is gone you can clean your whole room, for the moment I guess you find it hard to stop thinking about it.
I'd hate to have someone in my room, in my bed, unless it was a partner or a really close friend.
maybe you could put some hand sanitizer, alcohol gel in the bathroom and hope he uses it?
or wet wipes, baby wipes !

18-08-10, 00:45
I have ocd too and i can ralate to this, i'm always freaking out about hand washing, I heard my partner flush the toilet at 6:30am this morning, then he came to bed without washing his hands, i felt so dirty because we share a bed and he was touching me, i had to sanitise my own hands even if he wasn't doing his!
I dont really know how to advise you because from the outside i can look at your situation and go "just leave it and forget about it like anyone else would" but the clean freak and germ phobe in me says Eewwww you need to sanitise your whole room incase he touched anything, this of course feeds the ocd.

Just wanted you to know you are not alone:)

18-08-10, 19:59
Oh my gosh D: I would have to take a shower when I fully woke up if I were you. When I was little everyone thought I was a freak because before letting them touch my toys, I had to ask them if they washed their hands after going to the bathroom >.< it is kind of embarrassing when I think about it now, but I didn't want my toys to get dirty xD.