View Full Version : diazepam

Jac 2009
17-08-10, 11:31
Can anyone help? I have mild asthma which is made worse by extreme anxiety. I started taking diazepam yesterday which helped me a lot during the night. The troule is I feel as though it makes me more wheezy. Is anyone else taking diazepam with asthma and does it affect it? I really don't want to google it as I know there will a million scare stories. I also don't want to stop taking it. No scare stories please!!

17-08-10, 12:22
Hi Jac, I don't have asthma but I do know that your GP needs to know if you suffer from it, if you are taking Diazepam, so its just a precaution, nothing to worry about. As long as he knows, then that is all you need to do. There are plenty of meds out there, different meds work for different people, so don't worry if and I said if, he needs to change it for you. xxx

Jac 2009
17-08-10, 13:43
I phoned the doctor, which I should have done in the first place and she said there was no problem at all. I now feel fine, I've taken a pill with no affects at all except I feel calmer and almost ready to make a start on all those jobs which have been neglected in the last few days. Thank you heavenly. I hope you are feeling a bit better - diazepam is great - I love it!! xx

eight days a week
18-08-10, 23:53
Hi Jac,

Diazepam's great, but only short term really. Unfortunately my GP sees no problem with it long term, so I've been on it for a year (and you can get dependent after just a few weeks!) After a while it loses its effect and you need more of it to have the beneficial result. Now even on a calm day I'm stuck taking a certain amount, which I'm not happy at all about :(

Have you tried valerian? I've heard it has a very similar effect and is non-addictive, and of course completely natural. Lavender and jasmine are also very relaxing and calming. At night now I take Kalms (a mix of valerian, hops, and something else) and they work just as well as diazepam, so I need to work on reducing the diazepam and replacing it with valerian I think.

Anyway, all the best to you :)


19-08-10, 08:21
Hi Jac,

Diazepam's great, but only short term really. Unfortunately my GP sees no problem with it long term, so I've been on it for a year (and you can get dependent after just a few weeks!) After a while it loses its effect and you need more of it to have the beneficial result. Now even on a calm day I'm stuck taking a certain amount, which I'm not happy at all about :(

Have you tried valerian? I've heard it has a very similar effect and is non-addictive, and of course completely natural. Lavender and jasmine are also very relaxing and calming. At night now I take Kalms (a mix of valerian, hops, and something else) and they work just as well as diazepam, so I need to work on reducing the diazepam and replacing it with valerian I think.

Anyway, all the best to you :)


This is my problem. Got ill on Friday, was given 2mg Diazepam on Sunday, so felt much better, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, and could sleep!!! Saw a GP, not mine, and he didn't want me staying on it so gave me Propanalol, started taking that yesterday. Felt fine during the day, had an anxiety attack about 9.30pm last night and had about 3 hours sleep. So can't cope with that! Seeing my own GP this morning, who I haven't seen since I got ill, so need a chat with her, about what is right for me, because in this early stage for me, I need something strong and effective to get me through, I do need to go back to work in a week's time. Glad I have my first counselling session tonight, I do know I need a combination of meds and counselling.

Glad you have thought of some ways to decrease the Diazepam with more natural things, really good idea, if it works for you. xxx

19-08-10, 08:32
I've been wanting to try diazepam for a while but the bloody doctor won't give it to me. I hate propranolol these days.

19-08-10, 08:38
I've been wanting to try diazepam for a while but the bloody doctor won't give it to me. I hate propranolol these days.

Is that your own GP? If not, see your own. If you don't like Propanolol (only been one day for me, so early days), then say so. No point taking something if it isn't helping. Get back down there and tell them you need help!! xxx

Jac 2009
19-08-10, 08:52
I was determined not to leave the doctors until I got some sort of tranquilliser. I was even prepared to cry I was so desperate. As it happened she just offered it without me saying anythig. It's a wonder drug - I have not had a panic attack in three days and my general anxiety is better. I know what you mean about addiction but at the moment I just don't care!! Good luck to everyone. xx

19-08-10, 08:55
I was determined not to leave the doctors until I got some sort of tranquilliser. I was even prepared to cry I was so desperate. As it happened she just offered it without me saying anythig. It's a wonder drug - I have not had a panic attack in three days and my general anxiety is better. I know what you mean about addiction but at the moment I just don't care!! Good luck to everyone. xx

I know what you mean about 'not caring', Jac. I don't want to take anything that could be long-term addictive, but when you feel that bad, you just need sorting out as quickly as possible, then hopefully after a while, it can be changed. See what my GP says this morning about Propanalol, I can't keep not sleeping, the more I don't sleep, the more I worry about not sleeping. Grrrrr!!! Hope you have a calm day today. xxxx

19-08-10, 09:23
Is that your own GP? If not, see your own. If you don't like Propanolol (only been one day for me, so early days), then say so. No point taking something if it isn't helping. Get back down there and tell them you need help!! xxx

Sadly it is my own GP but none of them in the surgery will offer it to me. I just know it will be so helpful too! boo. I'm actually going to contact PALS and have emailed the local mental health help people today. I'm sick of being ignored and not being helped. I've still got some fight left in me and I'm going to get what helps me some how.

19-08-10, 09:56
Sadly it is my own GP but none of them in the surgery will offer it to me. I just know it will be so helpful too! boo. I'm actually going to contact PALS and have emailed the local mental health help people today. I'm sick of being ignored and not being helped. I've still got some fight left in me and I'm going to get what helps me some how.

Well done Emz, I know you must be feeling exhausted but its important to keep shouting til someone hears you. Keep us posted, won't you. xxx

Jac 2009
19-08-10, 13:52
I feel for you Emz - bloody doctors. I was on ativan many years ago for a while. I went to the doctor for a repeat prescriptionand they refused it - said I was addicted. I went - yes actually I am but so what it makes me feel better. They gave me a month to get off it!

Don't give up - cry and wail and refuse to leave until they've given it to you. It does work, I feel so much better than a few days ago.

Good luck Jac xx

19-08-10, 15:55
I know what you mean about 'not caring', Jac. I don't want to take anything that could be long-term addictive, but when you feel that bad, you just need sorting out as quickly as possible, then hopefully after a while, it can be changed. See what my GP says this morning about Propanalol, I can't keep not sleeping, the more I don't sleep, the more I worry about not sleeping. Grrrrr!!! Hope you have a calm day today. xxxx

I am answering my own post...I am going mad....

I love my GP, I told her that the Propanolol didn't even touch the sides last night when I had an attack, and she said I needed a tranquiliser, Propanolol is a beta blocker and won't be enough help. Which is what I told the GP that gave them to me....

So she has given me Olanzapine to take, once a day, and a few Diazapam, only for an emergency. But again, told me that Diazapam are addictive and only mask the problem, so to stick with the Olanzapine, see what happens, and go see her again in the morning. She is pleased I am going for counselling tonight.