View Full Version : Blood Pressure worry

17-08-10, 11:50

I bought a digital blood pressure monitor (i know I shouldn't have) and I am not worried about high blood pressure, instead I am worried about low blood pressure.

I keep doing readings and they show on average 110/55 which is borderline low, however my pulse rate is high (80-90). Can anxiety even cause low blood pressure? I'm 6ft4 and 13 stone, I don't really do a massive amount of exercise and I do not eat fast food.

I suppose I don't really eat as much as I should but then my OCD about germs doesn't help with that!

Just looking for some advice/reassurance

17-08-10, 17:18
your reading isnt much different to mine and the gp says ts fine i feel light headed alot but to keep ypur blood pressure healthy you need to make sure you eat and drink enough! x

17-08-10, 17:44
I wouldn't say that reading is low!

Mine went down to 70/50 - now that is low lol.

Yours is absolutely fine at the reading

17-08-10, 17:48
Thank you for the replies :)

I am trying to stop using the monitor and instead eat more than 1 meal a day.

17-08-10, 18:02
Wow why are you only eating one meal a day?

17-08-10, 19:29
Throw it away! Burn it! Evil! Anything designed to check yourself for something wrong is bad bad bad. Thats why I am really against those life scans, I mean they are literally asking for something to show up. If your blood pressure was too low then you would feel unwell. You mustn't wait and expect for it to get low, its like visiting an elderly relative and sitting with them waiting for them to die! And you can't sleep with someone leaning over you watching, that sort of thing...
Also, you should really try to eat regularly. Even if you are having some trouble with eating, have little and often because long gaps between eating will make your appetite plummet, but I can see you are working on this now.
lots of love,

17-08-10, 19:37
i agree chuck it in the bin mate go to the docs to have it checked out iv been their and used to check night and day if it was high id be worried if it was low id be worried lol

18-08-10, 09:56
If your average blood pressure continues to run in the top, your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes or medication to keep these numbers under control. There are also a number of things you can do to make sure their numbers mean arterial pressure remains within the normal range, including a healthy diet, exercise and smoking habits such as kicking.