View Full Version : I'm new and I need your thoughts (please)

17-08-10, 11:50
Firstly, I apologise if this post seems trivial in comparison to some of the support other people need, but I needed to ask the opinions of poeple who understand what it's like being on this side of the panic attack fence!

Basically, I have my attacks under control 98% of the time. The problem for me is the build up, where I feel really sick - my nemisis!

I don't like to travel, but it is a means to an end for me as my parents moved to Spain 2yrs ago. I have been over quite a few times with my other half to see them.

My question is - do you think it's wise that I take a large leap and go on my own(fly)????? I have 2mg diazepam tablets for flights and seem to do OK with them when i am with someone, but this will be a massive step for me and it scares me silly!

17-08-10, 12:20
Firstly, I apologise if this post seems trivial in comparison to some of the support other people need, but I needed to ask the opinions of poeple who understand what it's like being on this side of the panic attack fence!

Basically, I have my attacks under control 98% of the time. The problem for me is the build up, where I feel really sick - my nemisis!

I don't like to travel, but it is a means to an end for me as my parents moved to Spain 2yrs ago. I have been over quite a few times with my other half to see them.

My question is - do you think it's wise that I take a large leap and go on my own(fly)????? I have 2mg diazepam tablets for flights and seem to do OK with them when i am with someone, but this will be a massive step for me and it scares me silly!

Hi there, firstly no such thing as trivial!! The fact you have attacks and you can fly to Spain...well I take my hat off to you. I haven't managed that for a couple of years now. So well done for that!! I can't say what you should do re the flight, its understandable to be nervous not having the 'safety net' of your other half with you, but you will have the medication and also, the cabin crew, take one to one side and tell them how you are feeling, I am sure they will keep an eye on you. If you feel you can cope with that, then give it a whirl. If you feel its a step too far just at the mo, then give it a bit more time. Do what you feel you are capable of and don't give yourself a hard time. You are doing so well, really, I'm in awe of you being able to travel, that shows a lot of strength and determination! xxx

17-08-10, 13:27
are you able to take shorter journeys on your own (like a train between 2 cities)?

may be a good idea to "buld yourself up" by taking progressively longer journys on your own untill you feel ready that the flight to Spain is the next comfortable stage?

17-08-10, 14:20
Hi guys, thank you for your quick replies.

In answer to the last question - yes - I have done two journeys via train on my own. One into London on my own to have my hair done (I live in Bournemouth on the South Coast) and one to Birmingham to an event for a client, I also had to stay overnight.

Both were fine, but I guess in my head, I knew I could simply get off at the next stop - whereas flying is different, once you're on... you're on!