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View Full Version : Anyone find themselves feeling worse than before?

17-08-10, 14:31
Hi all,

I'm now on week 4, well just over, of the cit and I'm finding myself feeling even worse then I first started, I've gone back to feeling all anxious, sweaty, nervous and I was fine last week and the weekend!! I have just returned to work after being signed off for two weeks but I felt different yesterday then I do today, happy even!!

I don't like this feeling as it's making me feel there is something wrong with me....I've also just started patching things up with my ex and now boom!! This again, it's driving me insane :(


HB x

17-08-10, 15:10
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HB,

oh hb i am on week 5 and i dont think they have kicked in plus propranolol..but i have been told they take awhile and we are all different and we should just try and be patient...that is oh so blasted hard!.....i see my gp next friday....maybe talk with your gp they maybe able to give you some advice.

i wish we, like i said before, had a magic wand.

thinking of you love tracey....please feel free to pm me anytime xxxxx

17-08-10, 15:37
Heeeeyyyy Tracey,

How are you hun??? I feel poo!!! It's not fair I just want to curl up in a ball and never move :( plus I didn't sleep well at all last night.

Bleehhh is all I can say :(

HB x x x

17-08-10, 16:18
oh hb....i know that feeling....mornings are always the worst grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

so you didnt sleep very well..then today will be xtra hard.

i wake up kind of early around 6ish and then high anxiety till mid afternoon and by the time i go to bed i am so bloody exhausted i crash!

sometimes i just want to scream "why me".......but then again i guess the answer would be "why not".

lets hope tomorrow is a better day hb...you can always pm me xxxx

lots of love traceyxxxxxx