View Full Version : Anxiety thoughts ???

17-08-10, 15:16
I just posted about waking up every night at 3:00 am. When I lay there going nuts and waiting for 6:00 to get up I get the most bizarre thoughts that are upsetting. And I can have dozens every night.

So here is the most bizarre last night: I was thinking about all the Iraq soldiers coming home with anxiety, PTSD and wounded. Then I had a vision of one with both legs amputated....then I thought about his (or my) legs being amputated and in THE GARBAGE somewhere and I freaked out. LEGS IN THE GARBAGE...oh my god !!

It this an example of an anxiety thought or an intrusive thought. Painful and weird.


20-08-10, 02:09
Hi James

I find the night and when I'm trying to go sleep the worst time. I end up with all kinds of weird thoughts/memories coming into my mind and I have no idea where the hec they come from. When i've feeling really anxious, these thoughts seem to take hold and make me worry and worry about them as to whats caused them, am i losing my mind. I believe its just that we are anxious and thoughts that would normally just flick in and out of our mind just seem to stick. Don't worry about it, accept the thoughts as just thoughts and try not to worry (easier said than done i know lol).

Take care