View Full Version : Guilt?

17-08-10, 16:11
Does anyone else have an overwhelming sense of guilt if they do nice things for themselves?Like you dont deserve it? But think that everyone else does?

My husband promised me that I could get an iPhone when I had visited our home for the first time. (long story, but we bought it last Oct and Ive only been up there a few times because of my anxiety). I managed to get up there last Friday and today I went out to buy the phone feeling all happy that I had earnt it.
However when I rang to tell him I had got it, I had an overwhelming sense of guilt that I didnt actually deserve it because I dont work.
My thoughts are that unless I work I have no right to buy myself anything other than essentials (food etc).
Am I alone in feeling like this?

17-08-10, 16:15
oh vixxy....we are all allowed treats once in awhile...you not working is not going to be forever is it xxxxx

enjoy your iphone and allow yourself to be pampered....we deserve all the tlc we get xxxxxxxxx

im sure you are not alone in feeling like this....but i say ENJOY xxxx and dont beat yourself up over it.....you deserve the very best.

much love tracey xxxxx

17-08-10, 16:18
Thanks Tracey! that means a lot :)

17-08-10, 17:08
Vixxy of course you deserve your iPhone!! What really touches me is the fact that you actually really appreciate it when people are so materialistic nowadays and take things for granted. So go on and enjoy it because you sound such a lovely person and if anyone deserves a personal treat then it's definitely you!!:hugs:

17-08-10, 17:36
Thankyou! I do really appreciate everything I have.