View Full Version : Anxiety Attacks and Self Harming

17-08-10, 16:27
Hi everyone,
I'm new to the site and relatively new to panic attacks and have only began self harming in the last month or so. I'm 31 and have 2 babies aged 1 & 2yrs. I'm being treated for PND and am on my 4th lot of anti D's as the others havent worked out too well. I have found that when the panic starts and I'm on my own that cutting my arms seems to shock me out of the panic and hyperventilating. I'm afraid of dying - I was involved in a car accident a few years ago that left me to ill to go back to work due to a back injury and the bank I was working in was held up about 6 years ago and I was held at gunpoint. I feel afraid all of the time because it seems that there always seems to be something dastardly waiting around the corner for me! My husband is doing his best to be supportive but he's not a great talker so a lot of what I'm feeling goes round my head all day long. The self harming has me pretty scared cos each time I cut I cut deeper and I am afaid it will only be a matter of time before I cause myself a serious injury - even as I type I am feeling panicy. I guess if there is someone out there who has been thru something similar or understands the SH in particular I would be verygrateful to hear from you.

Thanks a million for reading.

18-08-10, 09:01
Welcome to NMP. Sorry I don't have any advice, but I hope that this site helps you. Baggs.

18-08-10, 09:58
Thanks for reading Baggs - hopefully i will get some help here!

18-08-10, 11:08
Wishing you the best and you will be well soon and look back on this. I have had anxiety and panic attacks for the last 3 months and also have 2 children one being only 1 which is hard work and drives me crazy sometimes but i now focus on my children as my way out of this awful thing, we can do it for them and of course ourselves. my panic attacks are not as often now but i shake all day and worry about what it could be and have flickery vision and tinitus all which drive me round in a viscous cricle of worry panic anxiety but i do feel i can see the light at the end of the tunnel. stay focused and sending you lots of hugs.x