View Full Version : Burning feeling in back of nose/throat

Fly away Katie
17-08-10, 16:30
I came back from a festival 2 days ago.. and on the last day of it, I started having this horrible burning sensation in my throat (like where your nose hits th back of your throat)
It gets better, then worse again. LIke every 5 mins it cools then burns again.
Im absolutley terrified as to what it could be.

Has anyone else had simelar? Im so afraid :'(


17-08-10, 22:25
You could be getting the common cold - I know I am getting a viral cold when I get a burning sensation at the back of my nose- like a red hot poker shoved up back of your nose- usually after a few days the feeling travels down my throat causing a cough by which time I usually have the runny nose as well.

17-08-10, 23:20
I have often gotten a similar sensation after visiting the dentist, it was somthing to do with how the roots in my top teeth were quite long and reached my sinus area.
so maybe check that your top teeth are healthy.

could be a cold too, i often get that raw burning when ive had a cold.

18-08-10, 04:23
It may very well just be a cold or the flu, I get this with my colds, ugh. It may also be anxiety and stress, when I get stressed out or really tired my throat gets an itchy, burning feeling and then I focus on it and it worries me even more! You may have worn yourself out at the festival to it may just be your body's way of telling you it needs some sleep and rest :)