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25-02-06, 22:45
hi me agin i was sat at home watchen the tv i was really calm and nothing much going on and then all of a suddon i stated to get these sharp pains in my head on the right side then i got up to walk to make a cup of my (decaf) tea and each time i took a step my head was hearting.

i am now thinking that it may have something to do with my wisdom tooth coming throw i have had the top 2 throw but not my bottom ones as my right one is starting to come throw may be it has something to do with that.

not sure but it really has scared me, as i thought strat way brain tumer you know how it goses! took my tablets and feel a little better as my head is no longer bad and it only happen for about 15 mins but i am still scared

thanks for everyones help
amanda xx

25-02-06, 22:59

Anxiety makes us think all sorts and it makes ever situation feel so much worse. I have been there and know exactly how you feel. I am here for you and you are not alone hun,

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".