View Full Version : Headache. Need some help please. Feeling low

Natalie x
17-08-10, 17:45
I've had a headache today and thought i'd gotten over worrying bowt this stuff. My neck was hurting and felt heavy and i got really upset earlier after having a panic attack over it at work earlier. Now my head hurts at the left hand side. Not a constant pain, its like a sort of throbbing. And also at my temple. My mum said that my eyes looked a bit bloodshot but i didnt reali notice. Now this is scaring me. Do u think it could just be with crying? Please reply. My minds running riot with things. Thanks x

17-08-10, 18:24
Neck pain can cause headaches - I often get them because of this. Crying can also cause them. Everyone gets headaches from time to time - that's why there are headache pills on the market. Try not to worry.

18-08-10, 04:28

Bloodshot eyes can be caused by simply being stressed. Also from being tired and definitely from crying! Crying can also cause headaches because it causes you to tense all the muscles in your head and face and also your neck, much like anxiety and stress. You may have been so tense that your neck muscle is a bit strained causing it to be throbby or achey, this in turn can cause a bit of a headache. It doesn't sound like much to worry about, just some horrible feelings that will go away with rest :)