View Full Version : constant battle

17-08-10, 18:32
my anxiety has been bad for a few months now. it wasnt as bad before but was on a off for about a year. then after one huge attack it got increasingly worse. things have been up and down but ive been stuck in a constant battle for about 2 and a half weeks now. is this normal??? i feel like im always on edge and about to lose it. has anyone else suffered like this for long periods of time? im trying to carry on as normal but im just getting really down about it now. can anyone offer any help or advice? x

17-08-10, 20:14
I'm with you on this one. I had had a really good 12 months then back in July its literally slapped me round the face, its worse this time. Feeling the need to go back on Anti D's again.... have to hold down a full time job but really struggling all I can say is chin up chick I do believe it will pass with whatever intervention helps us xx

17-08-10, 20:15
Hi Holly,

Some of us go through periods of anxiety.....and unfortunately it can stay with us for some time. It is normal to feel on edge etc when suffering. Do you take any medication? It should settle soon but if not perhaps you could have a chat with your GP.

Not nice is it.....its good you are trying to carry on as normal as that is the best thing you can do. I know with me distraction really helps...but know how you feel hun cos it gets me down at times too!!!

Hope you feel better soon.


17-08-10, 22:37
hi there iv had anxiety for over a yr but didnt know it untill jan this yr when it got bad i was on dieazepam which helped i now just take it when i need it i get good days and bad days i go to a therapist u sholud ask ur g.p about u seeing one x

18-08-10, 00:14
yes the for about a year my anxiety was extreme. I felt on edge all the time.
it's kind of like having bad PMS!
I was having scary thoughts.
I became afraid of everything.
I got lot of new anxiety symptoms.
I would panic over the smallest thing.
what got me through it, was positive thinking, and not letting my imagination take over. trying to stay logical. walking really helps. i had a mini panic attack in town but instead of running home i managed to stay in town despite feeling terrified and learned how to calm my self down.
meditation helps you learn how to slow down your thinking.
vitamins too such as calcium and the b vitamins, great for your nerves.
omega 3 which has been shown to help with anxiety and depression.
also learning to be a bit selfish, and not to push your self too much and doing nice things for yourself helps 2.

18-08-10, 00:27
Hi Holly, odd that both our usernames end in 23... i am actually 23 which is why its that, you the same age?

I try and distance the anxiety from myself with the use of imagery. Every time you get an anxious thought, distance yourself from that thought so that you dont need to engage with it, and thus it will not effect you.

The imagery i use is like my mind is a space ship, and when i get an anxious thought - which i invariably do, because anxiety is just a habit, i just release the thought into space. The scenario works, because the thought will just float off peacefully into space, and it cant get back in because i cannot open the spaceship doors, because the air would rush out.

It may sound slightly odd, but i find it a great way to stop myself worrying about anxiety and analyzing it - which only breeds further anxiety. This should help me get out of the anxiety loop that most of us seem to be stuck in.

Hope this helps,
Best wishes,