View Full Version : Poem that captures how we are feeling

17-08-10, 20:05
Imagine if you can that the lights are turned down
And you're trying to find your way in a strange new town
No signposts or people to guide you through
No landmarks around to give you a clue

Its dark and foreboding and scary as well
Whats happening around you you cannot tell
Do you run or move quickly or just walk brisk?
Do you just stand still and don't take the risk?

Decisions, decisions you'd rather avoid
No shining street lamps to lighten the void
Turn left, turn right, stand still, walk away
Whereever you turn, drakness blocks your way

Like fog closing in on an open field
Lying down on your own is your only shield
No one knows the darkness that you feel
Because they can't see it your symptons aren't real

But support is out there just look around
There are people to lift you off the ground
Don't lay down, get up make a move
Take back control, get in a groove

Think of those around you that suffer along
That will you to get better, together we're strong
So I beg you please don't just give in
If we fight side by side we're bound to win

And as the street lights come on and the route is clear
You see the darkness lifting there is nothing to fear
As you reach your destination and you suffer no longer
You'll look back on this journey that made you stronger

A very special person wrote this for himself and many others, he has given me these poems as a gift, there are more that relate to Anxiety and that capture our feelings I will post some more soon xx

Take care all xx

17-08-10, 20:28
Hi Clarelou,

That was really lovely. Thanks for posting it.


17-08-10, 20:41
What a great poem! I am looking forward to reading more :-) xx Tami

Fly away Katie
18-08-10, 11:04
That was so heartfelt :)
I adore poetry.. Espesh meaningful ones like that.
Please do post more xxx