View Full Version : Oh dear...

17-08-10, 20:18
Hello all, am new to this so sorry for my rant...

Not feeling good this evening, day 8 of citalopram, just done 6 days on 10mg with no real problems, so felt ready to go to the 20mg prescribed.... and day two of 20mg oh dear = diarrhoea... out of nowhere, no cramps, nothing. Now cramping a bit and now worrying about if I can get to work tomorrow. Aaarrghhh!

Hope it passes soon, am scared enough about being on meds as it is, I've read almost everything I can, but just can't help but worry, (half the battle.. worry/mild depression)

Nice to have found this forum, been coming from re assurance from day one, just delayed registering!

Thanks x


17-08-10, 20:24
Hi Katy,

Rant away....thats what this is here for...someone always listens!! Lol!!

Upset stomach can be a side effect from citalopram and should settle soon. When I have taken it in the past...I would wake up and think Oh God I've got to go and dash to the loo and have diarrhoea and then maybe a couple more times and it did settle.

Please try not to worry (easier said than done I know) you will be o.k.

Well done for getting to day 8!!!

Take care

17-08-10, 21:55
Think can be a common side effect initially. I'm going to the loo for Europe last week or so. Spoke to my GP and agreed it should pass in time.

My uncle who is on a different A/D said had same problem for about a month then it settled down. Guess its a good idea to keep drinking water/fluids. Heard smaller meals but more frequent can help but is all down to the individual and their GP's advice.

19-08-10, 18:46
Well.. fingers crossed I'm through it already, just the one off it seems, just left with headaches, but a couple of paracetamol soon sorts them out!

21-08-10, 14:42
Upset stomachs can also be caused by acute anxiety, mostly when your body is tense its held in the shoulders and the stomach. So its fairly normal to get upset tummys, along with obvious side effects of the chemical itself.

If you just need to get through the day, try immodium or one of the tablets, they'll deal with the symptoms so you can go to work and not feel uncomfortable or insecure about it.

Make sure you drink plenty of water to replace the fluids lost.

23-08-10, 06:59
One of the most important things I learnt during my first few weeks on cit, is to NEVER trust a fart...

You'll be okay soon, best of luck.


23-08-10, 08:31
Lol well said Rich

This problem is common I think. I'm still having probs with it. Still delaying taking my cit until an hour or so after breakfast when I'm aswell heading into my 'office' with a Financial Times, The Times and an Encyclopidia.

23-08-10, 11:20
pmsl @ 'the encyclopaedia': "that's fascinatinggggg aaaahhhhh!!!" followed by a dull thud and splosh.

23-08-10, 12:09
Yes the joys indeed mate. Had this convo other night with my Uncle and the words 'through' 'eye' and 'needle' were mentioned. He went through same when going onto a/d's

Och if we don't laugh we'll.........................

....................sorry gotta go to the loo.

24-08-10, 19:17

not a good day yesterday, really bad headache...

Day 14 Today, good but OMG dizzy tonight! been dizzy before because of citalopram, but never whilst exercising, until this evening?!?!

Think tablets maybe starting to work, starting to feel a bit brighter, I think? ive now also collected on my book prescription, Mind over Mood, looks good, think I can learn a lot, just hope it will sink in, at times I have the attention span of a gnat.... anyone else had any joy with these books?


25-08-10, 11:13
im on day 16 ov upping a dose on cit from 10 to 2o mg,, the side effects have been bad n yesterdat felt quite bad with anxiety,, i wake in the morning swetting,, n still feel light headed and dizzy, fort if wud ov kiked in by now nearly 3 weeks still not been owt for over a week as feel to dizzy n nervouse to attempt it,,, xx

25-08-10, 13:45

not a good day yesterday, really bad headache...

Day 14 Today, good but OMG dizzy tonight! been dizzy before because of citalopram, but never whilst exercising, until this evening?!?!

Think tablets maybe starting to work, starting to feel a bit brighter, I think? ive now also collected on my book prescription, Mind over Mood, looks good, think I can learn a lot, just hope it will sink in, at times I have the attention span of a gnat.... anyone else had any joy with these books?


My GP suggested books in past. Good selection in my library. Kinda wee shelf/corner of its own. I aint heard of that book but give it a blast. When you return it have a look at any other books your library has that you feel may be helpful.