View Full Version : Has anyone been signed off work?

18-08-10, 07:13

can anyone tell me if they had or have been signed off work with anxiety/depression and if so how long for??


HB x

18-08-10, 08:28
Yes I have - for years. All the best. Baggs.

18-08-10, 08:45
I was for 2 weeks and now im back my anxiety has hit home hard when I was doing just fine the last week and the weekend. Now I can't even sleep!!

18-08-10, 08:50
Yes i was signed off for 2 weeks and have been signed off for another month.

18-08-10, 09:10
I've not worked now since last April

Kerry B
18-08-10, 09:23
Hi am have been signed of work for 5 weeks and am going back to my Doctors for another Sick Note tomorrow and still don't feel well enough to return to work.

18-08-10, 10:05
does everyone get ssp and benifits ?

18-08-10, 10:59
I've been off for 8 1/2 weeks, am back at the docs on Tuesday and the way things are at the mo I don't feel ready to cope with work.

Sharon35, I think most people are entitled to it. Work sort mine out as I get a % of my salary (as part of my contract with my employer) and the SSP forms part of that on my payslips. Not sure how it works if you only get SSP, but you might get some more info here: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/BenefitsTaxCreditsAndOtherSupport/Illorinjured/DG_10018786

19-08-10, 09:58
Thanks for your replies!

Im going back to the doc today and considering asking for more time off as I feel worse going back to work, more anxious, can't sleep it's horrible but im worried about loosing my job by having more time off...makes me feel even worse!


HB x

Kerry B
19-08-10, 10:36
Hi Im going back to the Doctors today as well as my Sick Note runs out today. I also feel I'm not ready for work just couldn't cope. Don't think employers can sack you if you are off sick especially with a sick note, If I was you I would take enough time off as needed and going back to soon will undo any progress you have made. I am only getting SSP which is £15 something per day and struggle but i feel my health is more important. xx

19-08-10, 10:49
I know what you mean, but my work aren't that sympathtic though!
Im scared of going back in saying I've been signed off yet again especially in the busy holiday period.
I get full pay for 44 days after that it's half pay.

I just cannot afford to loose my job otherwise I'll be completly screwed :(

HB x

19-08-10, 11:12
Oh you sound just like me. Bloody work panic attacks thats the only place i seem to have them now.
Thank you for the advice on ssp.

19-08-10, 11:20
Has anyone actually had any trouble from being signed off work though??

My parents, well just my dad, doesn't seem to understand what im going through and they are worried about me loosing my job too!

HB x

19-08-10, 16:23
As far as I understand to dismiss you on ill health grounds employers would have to go through a process to determine that your illness was such that you were no longer capable of working, i.e. that it was a long term illness or disability. I think they also have an obligation (at least in the case of disability, not sure about illness) to provide workplace/role adjustments, or at least performed an assessment that shows they have tried to take reasonable steps to enable you to return to work.

In the companies I've worked for I've only known this happen after a period of several months.

My own experience in the 8 1/2 weeks I've been signed off, with regards to contact with work, I keep in touch with my line manager each week and send my sicknotes to HR. I had to go in to see the works doctor a couple of weeks ago, at the request of HR. She basically asked how I was feeling and about my treatment under my GP. She agreed with my GPs treatment and agreed I was unfit for work at that time and I have an appointment middle of Sept to see her again. She also said that she would write to my line manager and HR stating that I should have a graduated return to work once I was fit to come back. - For what was a terribly anxious time waiting to see her, I came out of it feeling better, but then I had an irrational belief that I would be forced to go back to work.

My advice would be to do what feels right for you and not what you feel your parents or your employer expect of you.

20-08-10, 18:28
ahhh I can't help but feel ever so guilty about being off two more weeks...the guilt and worry is killing me :(

HB x

20-08-10, 19:16
I think it's normal to feel like that. I felt terrible for weeks, can't say I'm completely fine with it now, but I'm working on it, after I started to realise, with help from my counsellor that the guilt and worry from that was fuelling my anxiety and making me obsess on me being ill to the point it wasn't actually helping my recovery.

I know it's easier said than done, but try and think of it as a positive step. It takes a lot of courage to actually admit you need to take time out to look after yourself instead of putting other people first, and I think rather than feel guilty you should be proud that you took a difficult step.

20-08-10, 20:01
get the time that you need - when you are lucky enough to have a job to get signed off from - yes sorry but i'm full of self=pity and loathing - i'm self employed - if I don't work I get nothing - sorry, but if you have the chance for it then use the time wisely and make yourself well!

23-08-10, 06:49
Hi there

Concentrate on utilising the time you have away from work to get better. Try not to think about anybody other than yourself. Here in New Zealand, we do not get paid if we don't work and so subsequent to taking two weeks sick-leave after suffering a nervous breakdown, I was forced to return to work - I had to pay the mortgage and support the family somehow. God knows it was a miracle I survived as I started taking anti-depressants a week after being off and started on 20mg with horrendous side-effects and never once thought of taking a lower dose (how silly!).

I survived somehow but would definitely have taken the time if offered without a second thought for anyone.

Best of luck with your recovery
